29 || New step

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Something that the gang deserved to get, especially boboiboy. And an uproar was caused. Many agents wondering and asking: "Why isn't Boboiboy promoted?", "Shouldn't he be a captain after beating retak'ka?" and more.

After weeks, Tarung and the other higher ups finally discussed about it and decided to promote boboiboy. Only him.

Of course, he tried to refuse the promotion, wanting to be with his friends but his friends reassured him that he'll be fine and if luck is on their side, maybe he'll be the captain of the team.

Luck was not on their side.

Boboiboy was assigned to a new team. He didn't have any problem with his team, it's just... It wasn't his friends. Of course they still stay in touch but they couldn't see each other often


"Are you sure?" Yaya asked, a bit concerned

"It's fine. You guys go have fun, I still have to train dria. She can't fully control her powers yet" Boboiboy explained

Fang sighed. "Fine. But you need to come next time, no excuses" Fang said

Boboiboy chuckled, "Yeah, I'll make sure of it" Boboiboy said before closing the hologram

Boboiboy frowned as he lay back down on his bed. He checked the time, 6:30 pm

"30 minutes t'ill training... " Boboiboy mumbled

Boboiboy sighed and stared at the ceiling, once again wondering wether the promotion was worth it

I mean, Is it really worth it if you can't be with your friends, the people you joined TAPOPS with?

Atleast he made new friends...

His train of thought was halted by a knock on the door

"It's open!" Boboiboy exclaimed, sitting up on his bed

The door opened. Coming inside the room was one of Boboiboy's team member, Graze

"Graze? Is something wrong?" Boboiboy asked, signalling the 14 year old to sit down beside him

Graze complied and sat down next to him. "Admiral Tarung said that I'll get promoted to private soon..." Graze said

Boboiboy smiled warmly having an idea of what the problem could be"I heard... That's great news! Why aren't you happy?"

"Well, he also said that I'll be transferring to a new team to gain more experience to meeting new people and..." Graze trailed off

"You're worried about Dria aren't you?" Boboiboy guessed and Graze nodded

"Graze, don't worry. Dria will be fine, I know you're worried for her and that's fine, you are her older sister afterall. But, this promotion will be great for you! Yes, you'll see each other less but doesn't mean you won't. You can call each other and if you're lucky, can still have joint training sessions or have a mission together" Boboiboy said trying his best to reassure her

"But how can I protect her if-!"

"If you're not here?" Boboiboy continued for her. "Graze, she can take care of herself. You do see how eager she trains and I'm here with her. And if you go on with the promotion you can get stronger to protect Dria"

Graze was still looking down, still unsure

"Just look at it as a new perspective. A new chapter for adventures. Give the promotion a chance and I promise you it's gonna be worth it!" Boboiboy said with a bright smile

Graze looked up to him, "You're right!" She exclaimed

"Think of it as a new step, a new step to your future!" Boboiboy added

"Yeah! Thanks captain!" Graze said as she hugged boboiboy. "I gotta go now, Dria's waiting for me. Thank you" Graze said as she ran out of the room

Boboiboy chuckled, she was finally back to her cheerful self

'New step...?' Boboiboy thought of his own words

Unconsciously, he smiled. Realizing that the advice he needed to hear was the advice he gave

'Right. This is just a new step to being a hero' Boboiboy thought

He checked the clock once more before exiting his room to train Dria


So uhh... Hey? So sorry for being gone!! I had no motivation whatsoever and I didn't know what to write!

Anyways, here's a chap... Sorry if it's cringe. I'm not exactly used to writing thing like this...

And 2 oc's got revealed here... Who is Dria and Graze???

I'll write an introduction for them in my other book!

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