54 || Regret

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The cold breeze flew as the leaves on the trees swayed in it. The clouds in the air forming multiple figures for everyone's imagination

Fluffy brown hair danced and his uniform swayed in the cold breeze as the quiet rooftop was engulfed by a melodic hum of the boy.

He opened his hazel brown eyes as he gazed in the calming scenery of the view from there. Students exiting the school with joyful laughter along with their peers

Boboiboy smiled at the scene, his mind racing to multiple thoughts. But he decided to ignore them and enjoy this calming scene

He shifted his gaze towards the sky as a solemn frown dawned upon his lips. Oh how he wished he actually lived a life like this...

Would've everything be better if I made a different choice?

The chaotic sounds of the battle field was a familiar tune for the boy, but this time it was different. It hurts.

He didn't want this. He winced as small debris hit his bleeding wound, the pain of it hurts more than the usual ones he gets

He didn't want it to be this way, he wanted to die on a peaceful bed. His plans on retiring his legacy never came and it'll never come

He wandered his gaze, seemingly trying to find someone. His gaze softened as he saw his friends struggling to get to him,

To save him...

His eyes started to darkened. He knew he was spending his last breaths on the battlefield despite his wishes. He sent one last knowing smile to his friends

Tears welled up in his eyes as he saw their broken expressions to his last smile

This was it.

He was tired...

He lived an adventurous life, knowing well dying as a hero may come with regrets. He knew but he continued, believing he had enough time to retire

Only one regret will his soul bring in the afterlife...

Never fulfilling his dream of a peaceful life...

His eyes closed against his will and his last breath was drawn...


The holidays may be coming but so are school work 🙂

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