9 || One mistake can change it all

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"Boboiboy, Why are your elements out of the watch?!"

"Uhh, I don't know ochobot. When I woke up they were already out of the watch!"

Ochobot sighed at his master's reply. "Has the watch been acting weird lately?"

"It has been glitching for a few days now..." Boboiboy trailed off

"Then why didn't you tell me sooner!" ochobot exclaimed, clearly tired of his master hiding things

"Alright give me your watch, I'll ask nut to fix it" ochobot added

"But, wouldn't they disappear if I take off the watch?" boi asked while glancing at the elements who are sitting on the floor watching their conversation

"Uh actually, since you didn't really used the elemental split, considering your still here. So there's nobody in the watch right now, hence it's okay to take of the watch"

Everybody turned to the person who replied for boboiboy, it was solar. Boboiboy nodded at his light element, then proceeded to carefully take off his watch. Seeing the elements still sitting on the floor even after taking it off relieved the boy.

"Here you go" boboiboy said, handing the watch to his power sphera, to which he accepted

"Next time please tell me if there's something wrong with the watch, so we can prevent this kind of things" ochobot said before leaving the room

Boboiboy then turned his attention to his elements. "Why are you all so tense?" he asked with a gentle voice

Gempa stood up and bowed, this surprised boboiboy as he was not expecting this action. "We are sorry master, It's just.... It's our first time meeting you in person" Gempa frantically apologized

Boboiboy blinked twice, not knowing why his elements were acting like this. "Uhm it's fine, but I do need to set some rules, so we don't get in trouble with the higher ups" boboiboy said

Gempa sat back down on the floor. "But first, can you all not call me master. It makes me a bit uncomfortable..." boboiboy said

"Then should we call you Lord?" asked solar

"No, please just call me by my name"

"But that would be disrespectful" Taufan said

They all think for a moment when suddenly Duri raised his hand. "How about we call you ori? since it's short for 'original' since you are the original boboiboy!" Duri said exitedly.

Everyone looked at him, and it made Duri nervous. "Did I say something wrong...? " he asked in a low voice

"Actually that's a great idea! Good job duri" Boboiboy said, recieving a smile from the plant elemental

"Now since that problem is out of the way now. I'll tell you all about the rules. Firstly, if you want to go somewhere tell me first. Second, If you want to train, you need someone to accompany you incase you get injured. And lastly, Don't do anything that can get you in trouble. Do you all understand?" Boboiboy explained, recieving nods from the elements.

"And solar, can you tell me what happens when you guys are out of the watch, you know maybe there's side effects or what not?" boboiboy asked

"Uhmm, we still are connected to your mind and emotions but unlike the split you won't forget some memories, instead if yo-" solar stopped when they all heard a knock from the door

Boboiboy one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now