59 || Mom...

267 21 7

Everything was silent in his ears despite the war that surrounded him as he laid on the ground, tired and gravely injured

The massive wound on his liver painfully hurts but he was too tired to scream. Too tired to heal himself. Too tired to care

His friends might not even know his condition for they have their own things to worry about

But as much as he loves his friends, he doesn't have it in him to care. All he can do know is cry himself as he wish that someone might save him from impending doom. Save him from his inescapable faith

"Mom..." He unconsciously whispered, seeing a blurry figure above him. Someone familiar and someone he once knew

He remembers his mom's favorite blue hijab as the soft silk caressed his cheeks. The warmth that filled his heart as he felt a hand brush through his soft hair but there was no weight he could feel. No added pressure. He felt no one touching him

But the warmth that came with the phantom touch made him believe otherwise

"Mom...?" He called out weakly. "Am I still young to dream...?" He asked, memories of unbelievable adventures he had done playing in his mind

The worry in the brown eyes above him made him sure it was his mother. The crumbling small she held made it more obvious how worried and sad she was at his words

But at this moment. At his situation. He wanted to ask this question. The question he wanted to ask ever since he felt he was dying

"Can I still dream to live?"


Just a short drabble...

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