65 || Human

297 29 14

The cold breeze passed through the window of the unique planet. It's foreign blue grass, swaying with it.

Honey brown eyes staring at the peaceful scenery, but his mind kept him distracted from the view. Multiple thoughts lingered as memories played

The sound of a wooden door opening broke him out of his trance, but he didn't turn to see who had came in. He already knew

"Still thinking of the past, hero?"

The said hero turned. Magenta eyes staring worriedly at his own. Despite the concern that emitted from the newcomer, the hero didn't show any kind of emotion

"Boboiboy, stop thinking about the past. They're gone, you're here. That's all that there is to it." The magenta eyed one spoke, the sorrow in his tone contradicting his words

"I know, Fang." Boboiboy replied. His tone blank but his eyes began to shimmer in countless emotions

The regret, sorrow, and longing reflected in those honey eyes made the magenta ones shine in worry. It had been so long since he seen those genuine eyes

Ever since a 100 years ago. The once kind hero's heart began to freeze, a cold demeanor masking his sorrowful one. Ever since the others slowly passed after one another

Gopal was first. His energetic persona paired with his truthful heart made his passing all the more painful, and at the ripe age of 63

After a year from Gopal's passing, Ying followed. The youngest of the team, but the second to perish. Her kind heart ought to break others

Yaya was next, after just 3 months after her bestfriend. The motherly heart aura she carried along with her caring personality perished along with her

From his friend's passing, Fang's heart shattered. They were still young. Too young. He was confused why they passed but nothing hurt more than the words he heard from the last friend he had left

"It was to be expected. You can expect in losing me too."

Those cold words rang in his ears for what felt like hours before he could barely managed to utter the words he ought to say back

"What are you saying...? Ying and Gopal were just 63, Yaya was 64! They were young!" Fang refuted, his throat echoing the pain he felt

"Fang. Those ages couldn't ever be counted as young" Boboiboy's cold reply shook him

He never once anticipated to be met with a hurtful cold demeanor from this human. His human

His fist clenched in frustration. "What are you talking about?! I would have expected them to... pass! When they're atleast 250—"

"Fang." The stern tone boboiboy used instantaneously shut him off. "That's your species life expectancy. Not mine. Not theirs."

"Fang, we're humans."

The painful truth dawned upon him as his mind realized the truth. Right, they're humans...


His mind snapped back to the present as he realized a solemn tear trailed along his cheek.

With a motion of his hand, he wiped the sign of weakness away and finally dared himself to ask the question that kept his mind afloat

"Boboiboy, how..." His voice muttered

Honey brown eyes stared at his intently. An invisible pressure weighed on his shoulder as his mind raced whether to ask or not

He took a deep breath and cleared him mind, much to his dismay. "How are you still alive when you said a humans life expectancy is 60-80 years...?"

The pressure returned, heavier than before as the hero's rey was silent.

Instead of answering, he turned his attention back to the beautiful scenery outside the window silently

Fang lowered his head, his mind filling with regret. He shouldn't have asked, his fist clenched in anger, not to the hero but himself

He shouldn't have been insensitive. He should've just shut his mouth. He shouldn't have entered this room in the first place. He shouldn't—

He raised his head as he heard the sound of a sniffle. Only to be met with a sight he never thought he would witness

Boboiboy the hero who stood opposite of him, tears streaming down his eyes as he sobbed his emotions out

"Fang..." Boboiboy choked out. His cold mask slowly breaking as his real emotion began to resurface

Unknown to them, the power watch the hero wore, flickered in it's corresponding elemental colors, reafting to their owners burst of emotion

"I don't know whether I'm even human anymore..."

Boboiboy one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now