69 || Prophecy

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Fang groaned as his body ached from the impact, his body wounded and in pain from the battle

Fang glanced at his fallen team. All of them together couldn't even lay a scratch on this enemy

His white hair glistened in the light of the stars, it's beauty unable to cover up the misdeeds of the one who owns it

His eyes, silver. It's magnificent hue seemingly to shine in serenity despite the sadistic intent behind it

"I expected better from you, Fang." His voice spoke, disappointment and amused evident in his tone. Although, a sense of familiarity lingered in it

"So many possibilities to use you're powers, so many ways you can kill. But with the intent of saving people, you lot are just scratching the surface of that you wield" The boy spoke, his hands itching to kill a worthy foe

"Weak." The boy added, his voice filled with disgust

Fang fumed at his words, but he knew any effort he tries would just be a futile attempt. He just clenched his fist, his nails digging into his palm

Boboiboy chuckled in amusement at the frustrated Fang. The thought that Fang, an apprentice of the mask, the brother of a powerful agent, laid on the ground powerless against him made his heart flutter

His hand ran through his hair as he engulfed in the pleasure of seeing the weak frustrated. His smile widened at the thought that maybe Kaizo would beg to him if he used Fang as hostage. Oh that thought would definitely pleasure him in great heights

But his eyes darkened as he saw the confused and wary expression replacing the frustrated face Fang made before

"B-boboiboy...?" Fang mumbled, his voice cracking at the thought that his friend betrayed him

"Hah?" His smile widened even more as he burst out in a fit of laughter as he noticed that he only figured it out when his white streak of hair was shown

"You just figured that out?" Boboiboy smirked, his eyes gleaming in amusement

"W-why?!" Fang screamed in frustration but with a mix of confusion as well

"Hmm~," Boboiboy hummed. "What do you think?" Boboiboy questioned in a sing-song tone

"I-I don't understand!" Fang exclaimed his eyes filled with questions.

Boboiboy sadistic smile only grew as he saw the more frustrated and conflicted the other was

"YOU'RE THE CHILD OF THE PROPHECY!! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO SAVE EVERYONE NOT KILL THEM!!" Fang snapped, tears streaming down his soft pale cheeks as his emotions ran wild as he unconsciously let out a shadow dragon at boboiboy

Boboiboy frowned. If there was one thing he hate more than weak people was the expectations of his past. When he endured his cravings of pleasure and intent for blood

When he was the supposed child of there own made prophecy. They deceived him into thinking he was meant to be a hero despite his cravings and thirst for bloodlust

Everyone deceived him. TAPOPS deceived him. LASKAR deceived him. His own family deceived him.

With a swift motion of his hand, the dragon dissipated. Fang stared wide eyes as the silver beads of the other slowly faded darker

A dark black sythe form in boboiboy's hand as he used the sharp tip of it to make Fang look at him. The sadistic reflecting eyes changed, instead it reflected something even more terrifying

Fang felt a bead of sweat roll down his forehead. Just from the gaze of those dark silver eyes was enough to make Fang paralyzed from the invisible pressure

"I'm not the one who should be fulfilling that fake prophecy of yours." Boboibiy sneered

Fang gulped, his mind clouded in fear. Fear he never once felt before.

"Your goody-to-shoes Boboioby is gone, he's dead." Boboiboy spoke, his voice flat but released enough emotions to show he was fuming

He was tired of the past. And he's not letting anything remind him of it again.


No it's not reverse.

I'm gonna make an introduction of this new AU of mine in the next chapter or I'll make a book. Depends on my mood

But if anyone can guess what my AU is about I'll give them a mention in my next chap

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