2 || Brother?!

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Today is the day boboiboy would come back from his solo mission, and the gang was now waiting at the hanger for their elemental friend to arrive, but not long after they fell asleep since they did only got back from a tiring mission.

It was currently 7:00 am when the ship arrived at the hanger, and when the ship opened the elemental hero walked out of the ship "GUYS! I'm back!" shouted boboiboy, and the the gang jolted awake due to the shout. After realizing who caused the noise, the gang quickly got up and ran to their friend.

A few weeks later...

Fang, yaya, ying, and gopal are sitting at the cafeteria after finishing their last mission for the day, boboiboy went to his room to shower. Yaya and ying were only reading a book, and gopal was eating meanwhile fang was sitting there bothered by something.

After a while yaya notices fang looking bothered and decided to ask "Fang, is there something bothering you?" which caught the attention of everyone at the table. "It's just that boboiboy has been acting weird since he got back from his solo mission. " fang replied.

"Your right, he's been really secretive lately" ying commented. Their conversation was halted when boboiboy arrived.

"So, what are you guys talking about?" bbb asked, "Uhm we just wanted to ask you a question." replied ying, "what's the question?" boboiboy ask. "We wanted to ask you why-" yaya was cut off when an announcement was said through the speaker, "Boboiboy, fang, yaya, ying, and gopal please come to the meeting room".

When they arrived at the doorway of the meeting room they saw their fierce admiral and their midget commander waiting for them. They did the tapops salute when entering the room.

"You called us, commander?" Fang asked on behalf of their team, "Ahh yes, we called you here to give your team a vacation for 3 weeks" hearing this made the gang excited.
"Since you have been working hard for the past weeks" explained the commander.

Now there on their way back to their respective room and while walking ying brought up a conversation "I'm so excited to return to earth, it's been months since we last went home." ying said excitedly, "Yeah it's been a while since I last tasted amma's curry." gopal commented while thinking of his mother's cooking.

When gopal and bbb got to the doorway of their room, they bid their goodbyes to the others. When they entered their shared room, gopal immediately went to his bed and lie down to play video games, while boboiboy went straight to the study desk to continue reading his book about power spheras.

A few minutes passed and gopal got bored of his games, so he decided to ask a question about boboiboy's solo mission. "Dey boboiboy, where did you go for your solo mission?" gopal asked, "Gopal, you know thats classified information" boboiboy replied. Gopal decided to stay quiet and not ask anymore questions.

After a couple minutes of silence, they decided to go to sleep...


11:30 pm...

Gopal was woken up by someone talking in the bathroom. He decided to check it out. He slowly went down the bunk bed and made his way to the bathroom door. There he saw boboiboy talking to a hologram of someone on his watch, but gopal couldn't see who because all he could see was his friend's back.

"Yes admiral, I already searched that planet." boboiboy said to the hologram, "There's only one planet left that we haven't searched, maybe their HQ is there... " the hologram said. Boboiboy paused for a moment before replying to the hologram "I'll try to search there, admiral" boboiboy said, "Okay but be careful, we don't know how dangerous they are. And it's passed working hours, no need to be formal" the hologram said, "And don't worry, We'll find him" the hologram added, "Ok dad, goodnight." boboiboy said while smiling warmly, "Goodnight kiddo." said boboiboy's dad.

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