13 || Future self

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To avoid confusion:
'The gang' = Present kokotiam gang
'Future gang' = Future kokotiam gang
'F. /name/' = Future

We all know that meeting your future self is just a child's dream. A dream to know whether you become successful or if you got your dream job. But alas it was just a dream, a fantasy...

Not anymore!!

The gang was given a chance to meet their future selves without any of those changing the future shit! With the help of nut's latest invention

The future portal!

Of course, the gang didn't believe it at first but when they actually witness their future selves going through the portal, their mouths dropped to the floor

"WOAH!!" They all exclaimed in amazement. Well, except boboiboy

Boboiboy stood quiet. Questioning something in his mind

Future gopal looked slimmer. He wore his signature green jacket with his 'G' logo on it, but it was unzipped. He also wore a plane white shirt underneath the jacket

Future Fang's outfit looked exactly the same but he looked more mature. He also has kaizo's sword on his belt

Future Yaya still has the same hijab on with her hat and goggles on top. And she wore the tapops uniform

Future Ying also didn't really changed. But her hair is shorter

The gang was amazed seeing themselves in their 20's was unexpected

Ying noticed something on her future self's hand. "Huh? Is that a wedding ring?!"

F. Ying lift up her hand and showed it to her past self. "It is. Surprised?" she replied

"Who did you marry?!" Yaya asked

"Ehem!" F. Fang faked a cough and everybody turned to him

F. Fang was holding his hand up, revealing the same wedding ring that F. Ying's was wearing. And it clicked.

"YOU MARRIED THE HEDGEHOG?!?!" Ying shouted. "I can't believe it..." ying said, her eyes reflected disbelief

"Oh, believe it. Even I was surprised that I married him" F. Ying said. You could hear a 'HEY!' from F. Fang in the background

"Before anymore questions. Let us introduce ourselves" F. Yaya said

"Gopal, you go first" she continued

"I'm Gopal! 24 years old. And TAPOPS commander!" F. Gopal said

"No way you became commander!" Fang retorted

"Oh, but I did" F. Gopal replied, voice sounded like he was challenging him

"I'm yaya. 23 years old. Admiral, and head of the health department" F. Yaya said, before fang and F. Gopal could break each other's neck

"Ying, 22 years old! Tapops Admiral"

"Fang, 23 years old. Tapops admiral"

Fang, yaya, ying, and gopal stared in amazement at the older versions of themselves

"Where's my future self?" boboiboy finally asked

The future gang's eyes widen. They did expect someone to ask this questions but... they were surprised to see young boboiboy. They actually didn't notice him

The gang looked around, now noticing the absence of their leader's future self

"Yeah, where's future boboiboy?" yaya asked

They looked to their future selves, asking where he is. The future gang only stood there quiet while loweing their heads

Boboiboy, being almost killed so many times became observant. And because of his new observation skill, he pieced it all together, and it clicked

"I'm dead...?" he whispered, but audible enough to be heard by everyone in the room

Everyone eyes widen as they realised it. The young ones turned to the older ones, beckoning to tell them it isn't true. But the looks on their older selves face was already an answer. So, it is true, their beloved leader and best friend will die

Meanwhile, with boboiboy, tears were threathening to spill from his eyes. He can't die yet. He still has to make his father proud. He knew that his adventures were gonna be the death of him, but still. He was afraid of death. He was too young to die


Despite the overwhelming emotions he felt, he still wanted to know. No, he needed to know

"..." the future gang stood silent. Waiting for someone in the group to answer

"Next week...." F. Fang replied, voice full of sadness

The gang's eyes widen. It was already a surprise that their friend dies, but next week? That's too soon...

Boboiboy finally broke down. It was too much. Tears spilling out of his caramel eyes like a waterfall. This was it, he's gonna die young. Die without making his father proud.

And if you think that they could just change the future, no they can't. To avoid ruining the space time continuum, nut made a timer for the meeting. When the timer is done, the future gang will disappear, and the gang will forget about their conversation with their future self, not even what they look like

The only thing they will remember is that they met them. And even if they try to write the future on paper or anything, it will also disappear

The gang knew this. They know that they'll forget that boboiboy's gonna die. They knew there was no chance that he could escape death

Boboiboy knew he can't escape death

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