46 || Legacy

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"Congratulations Fang, you are now promoted from Private to Captain in training! " Tarung proudly exclaimed

Fang smiled, he couldn't have done it without the elemental power. "Thank you, Admiral!"

Ever since boboiboy gave him the elemental watch, he has been exceeding well in missions

Although, he only has limited access to the elements. Halilintar, Duri, and Solar wouldn't let him use their 2nd tiers

"You're lucky I even let you use my 1st tier" Halilintar sneered

Solar glared at him as if he was just a pest, not worthy for his power

Duri wouldn't even look at him, only wanting boboiboy to weild his complicated power

And the fact that the elements decided to stay in the form when they were still with boboiboy. He knew they hadn't accepted him

Gempa tried his hardest to at least see Fang as their new owner, but gempa knows he can't. Taufan acts like he accepted fang but everyone knows that's not true, his smile keeps faltering even with the mention of their old owner's name

Blaze and Ais tries to keep it neutral. They don't usually act like themselves anymore like before. They just don't see the use of it anymore

Fang accepted that. He knows they missed boboiboy as their owner. And he knows he can't replace boboiboy

Even though, he can't fully use the power, being able to use it was enough for him. He can't force the elements to lend him their powers

He can't even transform into an element. He can only use their power, their 1st tier power and some of the 2nd tiers

"Congratulations Boboi— I mean Fang!" An alien greeted

Fang smiled, it was common for aliens and humans to mistaken him as boboiboy

His watch vibrated as an incoming call was shown. He answered it, seeing the faces of his female friends

"Hey guys" Fang greeted

"Congrats on the promotion!" Yaya greeted

"Are you on your way there?" Ying asked

"Yeah, I'm almost there, why? " Fang replied, his steps echoing in the quiet hallway

"We received an emergency signal from earth. We'll catch up after" Yaya explained

"Sure" Fang replied

"We gotta go now, see you later. And congratulations again!" Yaya said as she quickly ended the call

Fang let out a heavy sigh. He stopped in front of a steel door. The number pad beeped as he entered the code

The door hissed open. He walked inside, his footsteps quiet as the cold air hit his face

"Hey..." He greeted quietly. The large framed picture of his former leader displayed hunged on the wall

He opened his hand as a bouquet of flowers summoned in his hand. He smiled at the different colorful flowers

'Duri must've chose these' He thought to himself

He placed the flowers below the picture and sat down

"Everyone misses you, you know..." Fang mumbled

"They still mistaken me for you..." He added

"I should've been the one to die that day. Everyone wants you, not me" He whispered

"I'm not you. I'm not the elemental hero. I'm don't see myself as a leader for the gang. I'm only the living legacy of the leader of the gang, after all" He finished


I don't love this chapter but I don't hate it. It's kind of mid

It's rushed, I know. Writing when you're sick is tiresome

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