76 || Sin

177 19 6

The foreign colored rain dropped on him as he stared at his bloodied hands with shock and fear

His knees gave out and before he knew it, he knelt beside the body he killed. An innocent bystander killed by his own hands

He didn't even knew what was happening that time. All he saw was red. He had no control over his shadows or his body

Only when he realized his shadow tiger had attacked an alien when he regained his mind. Only when he took a life, no. When he took two.

It was bad enough he killed a woman, but he also ended the life of the child she bore.

He couldn't move. His ears rung, tuning out anything and everything. He tried to find a way to save them. To save him.

There was no use. He had killed them, nothing could change that. He was supposed to be a hero, a saviour, a protector. He was supposed to be Fang. Not a killer and murderer.

Salty, bitter tears streamed his cheeks as his pupils shook. He hadn't meant to do this. He didn't want to do this. He didn't know he did this.

He didn't want his hands tainted with innocent blood. Or any blood. May it be evil or good, tainted bloody hands was never meant to be his

He flinched as a hand landed on his shoulder. Hazel pity filled eyes met with his teary ones when he turned to see who it was

More tears streamed as he found himself gripping the others filthy orange vest. Sobbing incoherent phrases begging to be forgiven

Boboiboy held both of Fang's shoulder with a firm but gentle grip. His eyes reflecting worry and determination

"Stop crying and clean your hands quick. I'll handle the rest" Boboiboy spoke as he slowly poured his bottled water on his friend's hand, washing away the blood

Boboiboy gave him a red handkerchief to wipe away his tears. Fang was confused, but accepted it.

"When the other aliens ask questions, I want you to stay quiet. Don't look guilty and act like you don't know anything other than the fact we defeated the villain, okay?"

Fang was as confused as ever. Why was his friend, his leader asking him that?

Although, the grip of the other's hand on his shoulder was enough to tell him that boboiboy was begging him to agree

So he nodded. He wiped away his tears with the handkerchief. Boboiboy smiled softly as he stood up with Fang and walked towards where the other's were

Fang was quiet, each step heavy with guilt as his mind continued to drift into the image of his tainted hands with the body of the alien in front of him

"—Unfortunately, there was one casualty..."

Fang flinched. He didn't even noticed boboiboy was already talking to the village chief, his wrist still held tightly by the other. Fang gulped as he lowered his head, awaiting for his punishment

"A woman was caught up in the fight and she got killed in action," Boboiboy spoke, he took a deep breath before continuing. "In the hands of the villain."

Fang's head shot up along with the multiple gasps of the resident aliens. Fang wanted to say something but when boboinoy's grip on his wrist tighten, no sound would come out

"We're very sorry for your loss, but we have to report back to HQ" Boboiboy spoke as he bowed down

"No need to be sorry..." The village chief, Epang, spoke. It was clear the elderly was holding back tears.

"It wasn't your fault, it was the villain's..." Fang's chest tightened as he bit his lip as those words rung from Epangs mouth.

"We thank you for your efforts and you can go..."


"Boboiboy..." Fang mumbled as they boarded the ship. Yaya, Ying, and gopal already retreated to their rooms

Boboiboy halted in his steps, not sparing a glance at Fang. He knew what the alien was gonna ask and he knew what he'd answer

"Why did you do that...?" Fang asked, his voice hoarse and broken like he was on the verge of tears

"Y-you lied..." Fang choked. Boboiboy hardly lie, especially in things as serious as this

Of all things he expected this human would do, sparing him of his sins was never on the list. What he did was unforgivable and yet this human was willing to pass it to another alien

And of course boboiboy planned it from the beginning, from asking him to stay quiet to making him wipe his tears, it was all a ploy to what?

Protect him? Save him? Mock him?

"Fang." Boboiboy's gentle but stern voice broke him out of his trance. The human already turned to look at him with pitiful soft worried eyes

"Just forget about everything that happened there..." Gentle but serious, that was how boboiboy's voice sounded


"Please." A pleading voice sounded

Fang wanted to argue so much but the broken, pleading smile his friend wore made his resolve falter

"... Okay." Fang mumbled, letting the other retreat to his room before going to the control room

The door closed before boboiboy collapsed on the floor, his eyes welling up with tears.

He took his cap off as he ran his fingers through his hair as he took a deep breath.

Lying to the elderly came so easy that it terrified him. It was like second nature for him to do so but as much as he hates it, he had to do it

"The future you have is bright, don't let one mistake darken it..."

Fang was righteous and kind. He didn't deserve to be locked up and berated for something he didn't even knew he had done

"Listen, take this sin to the grave, okay?"

It was just a moment of losing control, it wasn't like Fang did it on purpose. Plus, Fang regretted it.

"Forget what happened in there."

And as much as boboiboy hated what he did back there, he doesn't have the right to be mad.

If he himself had done the same before...

"Boboiboy, you didn't kill your mother. You just found her in the kitchen, okay?"


Long time no see Ig?

Hehe, sorry... I've been busy with planning future plans for both school and my writing hobby. I'm planning to start writing on Ao3 but with a different fandom

I've also been having a hard time finding motivation to write so sorry for the delay...

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