52 || Father's Day

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Boboiboy kept quiet as the engines continued to hum. He had hoped for this not to happen, but it seems that fate had other plans

He turned to his calendar provided by the station to keep track of earth days, tomorrow's date was circled for 'Father's Day' the very day he dreads to meet his father

Ever since he was young, he never had found a reason to celebrate a day for his father. After all, he never once did actually acted as one

He wouldn't even be in this ship that's set on the course to Laskar station if his own parent didn't pass a rule for a mandatory visit to each agents father

If he knew, he would have quit his job. Losing his name as a hero would be more worth it than seeing the very man he hasn't seen since he was 11

His train of thoughts were stopped as the control panel's let out a beeb sound as the spaceship was close enough to land at the hanger

Boboiboy sighed, he stood and made his way to the control panel, each step weighing him down with the feeling of dread

He easily landed the ship with no malfunctions or some sorts. He grabbed his bag and made his way to the exit of his ship

His mood turning sour with every second that passes as the ship's ramp took it's time to actually open. He'll be seeing the person he hoped to never meet again moments later

"You're finally here" A voice greeted. His silver mask clearly having the functions to hide the user's real voice

Boboiboy fixed his slouch posture and saluted to the head commander which stood in front of him this very moment

"Greetings Commander Maskmana" Boboiboy greeted back, his mind partially releived his father isn't the one to welcome him

"I'll lead you to your room. And it's pass work hours, so stop with the honorifics" Maskmana politely said, his voice may be intimidating from his mask but his words are as caring as ever


The room was simple, it had a single bed, a decent sized window to stargaze and a closet but it still held the advance technology style space had to offer

"We planned to give you a better room, but this was the only room available" Maskmana spoke, his mask receding revealing blond locks and melancholic green eyes

"It's alright, uncle" Boboiboy smiled, contented to what was given to him

"I'll leave you to rest now, Amato would be back by now" Pian said, closing the door

Boboioy sighed as he let himself fall on the bed, his body immediately relaxing. He was tired

He closed his eyes, expecting to fall asleep instantly only to be proven wrong. His mind kept racing back to the thoughts of his father. He didn't want to see him and he most certainly don't want to greet him father's day. He didn't deserve it

After what happened when he was young, it was hard for him to reminisce memories with his father outside of training. More so after he got his powers


"Amato." Pian called out, his voice stricter than earlier

The dimly lit office brought an intimidating atmosphere to the room, despite this Amato didn't falter. Ever since Pian found out, their friendship fell

"Pian." Amato replied, with an equally strict tone

Both stood on the highest ranking of the station. But the agents didn't hide them favoring towards Admiral Maskmana rather than Admiral Mechamato. Pian was the founder after all

Amato leaned on the wall, knowing where this conversarion will take him. His eyes strictly narrowed in annoyance. He was tired about this topic

"I stand by my beliefs. I passed that rule so he'll stop avoiding me." Amato was first to speak, his tone not wavering

Pian didn't back down. "He wouldn't avoid you if you acted as an actually father than a mentor"

Amato rolled his eyes, his feet striding out the door.

"Don't be too harsh on the kid, Amato" Pian sighed, hoping that his former friend would see his wrong and be able to heal this broken family


Boboiboy kept avoiding the admiral, using every chance he gets to not make any contact whatsoever

His mind was at ease as he lasted through the day without seeing his father, the other agents were oddly helping him which held some suspicion but he didn't complain

The night fell and he was contented, he made it. He didn't even caught a glimpse of him

His stomach grumbled, reminding him that he hasnt eaten anything since he arrived. He was too busy avoiding the man he forgot his own health

He sighed, he shouldn't have forgot. He thought he grown out of this habit of his. He stood, deciding to succumb to his hunger and find something to fill his stomach

No one was roaming the walls, it was late after all. He quietly made his way to the cafeteria

"You should really stop avoiding me."

Boboiboy flinched at the familiar voice. Anger fueled his veins as he clenched his fists to stop himself from doing anything he can't undo. The man he avoided through the day stood in front of him.

"Not even a father's day greeting?" Amato questioned

"Why don't you act like one first?" Boboiboy retorted, his eyes narrowing at the man

A frown etched itself on Amato's lips. Clearly unhappy with the remark. "I am your father." Amato declared

"You acted more like a trainer than a dad for all I knew!" Boboiboy snapped. "You're non stop training led me to think it was normal. If I hadn't spent that summer with Tok aba, I wouldn't have known it wasn't"

His mind played the memories of the brutal training his father made him do. All those memories he once thought were a normal father-son experience was all just a facade

"I trained you for your own good. If I didn't train you, you wouldn't be strong enough. It made you stronger." Amato retorted, his own words filled with malice

Something inside the boy broke. Tears stung his eyes as the moment of any ounce left of hope that they could mend their bond evaporated into nothing

"I was a child..." Boboiboy choked out. "I didn't need to be strong,

I needed to be protected..."



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