57 || Infection

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It was dark. The once protected Tapop's U was in ruin, no sign of the elemental hero or any humans as the cold shivering breeze simply pass by.

The ruble that once was know to be the roof of the agency moved as a sign of life emerged from it. A boy who seemed to be not from this planet, his dark purple hair and bright magenta eyes contrast the ones humans would likely possess.

The boy groaned as his hand instinctively held his own head. A raging pain coursing through his body but he kept himself quiet. After what felt like eternity of pain, the boy stood. Observing the ruined the place

His eyes glazed over a certain watch on the floor. Seeming to know what it was, he frantically picked up the odd watch and wore it. Familiar shadows lingered around his hand as a wave of relief wash over him

He narrowed his eyes as he remembers the event that had happened to put this place into ruin. He clenched his fists as the feeling of uselessness swirled in his aching heart.


"Boboiboy, Hold them off! I'll activate lockdown." He sternly said but his voice was in vain as he sees his friend distressed expression

Why wouldn't he be? The ones they're trying to fend of are their friends, or what used to be his friends. Those who stood opposing to them may bare the appearance of the once they were close to but the opened jaw bone and multiple missing pieces of their skins told them otherwise

The boy sighed. He knows how Boboiboy had a heart of gold to fight their friends, the panic in his friend's eyes was enough for him to finally decide what he needed to do. He quickly ran to the control panel, the lights blared red as the lockdown was initiated

Fear still paralyzing boboiboy's body, he was late to notice when the dark haired boy pushed him out of the Agency. Completely compromising the plan to lock him and boboiboy in with the infected to contain them.

With pained cries, Boboiboy banged on the agency door, begging his friend to come out unscathed or let him in to help. He'll stop hesitating to attack as long the last friend he had was alive and well

The boy inside ignored the screams of his comrade and instead prepared for a fierce battle with the ones he once cared for as family.


The magenta eyed boy frantically tried to find an exit to find his friend. That kind hearted boy that can't lay a finger to person he cared for even if they were to become an enemy.

A small beam of light reached the boy's eyes, following to where it came from, he noticed a huge boulder possibly a huge hole hiding behind it. With enough concentration, he commanded the shadow's to break the boulder to pieces

As the hole was finally open, he sighed in relief. It was big enough for him to walk out, no need to use force to largen the hole.

Rushing outside, his face paled at the ones joyful warm village of Palau Rintis be torn into ruins. The once blue skies replaced by a gloomy black smoke. The trees were no longer healthy as it leaves were absent from it's branches

Screams of agony reached his ear, his body running to the source as the heroic side of him instinctively summoned a shadow tiger to attack the intruder. His face hardened as he sees his shadow disappear with one swift hand movement. His eyes glanced at the victim, recognizing it to be his older brother

With rage filled eyes he summoned countless animals to attack the one whose responsible for his brother's pain, only for the shadows fade the moment his eyes laid on a familiar golem beside the suspect

His eyes reflected one of horror as he sees the same boy who always wear a bright smile with warm eyes stare at him with a blank expression with his eyes reflecting nothing but emptiness.

"Boboiboy..." He mumbled before shaking his head to focus at the matter on hand. "What are you doing?!" He screamed, standing beside his bleeding brother

"Pang..." His brother called with a strained voice, coughing out blood in the process

"What do you think?" Boboiboy replied, his voice devoid of any emotion. "He's infected. I must exterminate him" He said, as if he done it a thousand times

The dark haired boy glanced at his brother to see if he was indeed infected. Only to be greeted with the same pair of eyes, color matching with his, filled with pain and anguish.

"He's not." He firmly stated

"He's been bitten. I must exterminate him before he causes a rampage." Boboiboy's voice turned stern

His eyes widen with disbelief. Even if he's bitten, surely his brother would be strong willed enough to not attack anyone. As his mind raised with thoughts, two sides of his brain arguing whether boboiboy was right or wrong. In a blink of an eye, briars of thorny roses stabbed his brother behind him

With a shaky voice, his eyes widen in terror. His only family pierced through the heart with the vines of his friend. "KAIZO!!!" He screamed

The vines faded, his eyes landed on the one he called his friend. Only now noticing that the right eye of his friend was devoid of any color, half of face scarred with burns and his left arm was replaced with a robotic one

He noticed that Boboiboy looked older. He had just realized that his brother also looked older. How long was he out? What happened to boboiboy? Was the questions he asked himself

"It's been 3 months if you're wondering" Boboiboy answered his unspoken question

"What happened to... you?" He asked

"Ever since you locked me out the agency, the virus reached the village. The first to be infected was tok aba. I was forced to..." He didn't finish the sentence instead he let the other think of what happened next

Fang knew well. Tok Aba was the one boboiboy adored and loved more than anything. And being forced to kill the one you care for most would be a reason for his friend to lose any sense of emotion. Fang stared at the boy with pity and worry but he just can't ignore the fact that he killed his brother

"That's no reason to kill Kaizo!" He shouted

The other just stared at him blankly. "Kill one person you care for deeply or let multiple innocent people die?" Boboiboy coldly told him

Fang stared at him in disbelief. Was that his situation with Tok Aba? He wonders. How much has this boy been through to lose himself to this point of no return.

"You need to choose." Boboiboy said, his eyes narrowing at him

"I- I can't..." He mumbled in defeat

"Then you'd have both results." His voice cracked a bit. His mind reminding him of the screams of his people and the infected growls of his grandfather

Fang stared at him, not knowing what to do. Even if he wanted to, he couldn't save this boy in front of him. It was clear, this boy's conscious was in the point of no return...


Inspired by the MLP infection AU's in tiktok

Tons of grammar mistakes in this one 💀

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