15 || Achieving Dreams

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A note slid through boboiboy's room at tapops, meaning someone sent him a mail. He stood up from his desk and took the paper from the floor

He opened the mail and read the letter that was in it. In the midst of reading the letter, his eyes widen from shock. And not a second later he bolted through the door just to be stopped by his power sphera

"Oh boboiboy, I was just about to call you for a meeting" ochobot said

Boboiboy shoved the letter in his back pocket, not wanting ochobot to see it

"Oh uhm, let's go then" he said and they walked through the halls to the meeting room

When they arrived at the designated meeting room, he knocked on the door before opening it. His team was present in the meeting, so was commander Kokoci, and Admiral Tarung. He did the tapops salute before going to his assigned seat for meetings

"I have called you here for an important announcement" Commander Kokoci said

"We have received news that Captain Amato had to retire due to an incident, causing him unable to move as swiftly as before. Even tho he could still do missions, he decided to just retire" Admiral tarung said

(Amato's rank is only captain since in this story Amato is a promising candidate to be promoted as admiral)

Everyone was shocked, they didn't expect for the most promising candidate to become admiral retired. But boboiboy seemingly expected this, but he was still shocked

Fang raised his hands, indicating that he has a question. Tarung nodded at him, allowing him to ask

"Why are we informed about this?" He asked

"We were told by Admiral Maskmana from laskar station to inform your team. Although we don't know the reason why your team was chosen" Tarung stated

Suddenly a hologram of an incoming call appeared from the table. It was maskmana calling. Tarung answered the call

"Greetings Admiral Maskmana!" They all said

"Greetings everyone. I called here to inform you why your team was selected to be informed about Amato's retirement" Maskmana said, while staring at a certain boy behind his mask

Meanwhile boboiboy felt like he was being stared at

"Your team was selected because one of you is directly related to him or more specifically his son. Although, Amato already sent a letter to him about the news" Maskmana continued

Boboiboy got nervous by the mention of the letter

"Huh? You mean one of us is Captain Amato's son?" yaya asked

"I mean just that" maskmana replied

The gang looked at each other, thinking which one of them is the captain's son

"So why don't you read the letter...

...Boboiboy" Maskmana continued

Everyone whipped their heads to the elemental hero, even admiral Tarung, and commander kokoci

"Haha..." Boboiboy laughed awkwardly

"I can explain!" Boboiboy said

Boboiboy's friends were about to jump on him. Gopal planning on whining to

"Calm down everyone. You can ask him questions after the meeting" maskmana said

They all regained their composure and calmed down. The gang decided to bottle up their thoughts about the revelation and just question and lecture their leader later

"Thank you admiral" Boboiboy said

"You know it's after working hours" Maskmana said in a teasing manner

Boboiboy sighed, blushing a bit from embarrassment "Thank you uncle" he said

"That's better. Now read the letter amato sent you"

Boboiboy grabbed the letter from his back pocket and read it

"Dear boboiboy,

I have decided to retire from duty, and it's definitely not because your mother forced me to, but that's beside the point. Since I haven't really visited you, I decided to invite you to laskar station and become your mentor as an apology gift! Isn't that great, your own father teaching you great things.
Anyways, send me a reply about your decision. And don't forget to berdikari.

Your Father,

After reading the whole letter, boboiboy crumpled the paper in his hands in frustration

"Uhh, you ok boboiboy?" gopal asked

"He's fine. He's just mad that Amato mentioned the word berdikari in the letter" maskmana said

"Uhh, what's wrong with berdikari?" ying asked

"Nevermind that" boboiboy said, not wanting to hear that word again

Boboiboy turned to his uncle, "Uncle, I know Dad is listening" he said

"See! I told you he'll know" A robotic voice said from the other side of the hologram

Then a red power sphera showed himself to the hologram, "Heya kiddo!" The red power sphera said

"Hey uncle mechabot, is my dad there?" Boboiboy asked

"Yeah, he's here" mechabot then grabbed amato so that amato can be seen through the hologram

"Hehe, Hi son" Amato greeted awkwardly

"Hey dad. About the invite can you tell me more details about it" boboiboy said

Amato's face lit up, he was happy that his son was considering to accept the invite

"Oh, you'll be transferred to laskar as a cadet, and I'll be mentoring you" amato said

"And maybe you'll be my new master!" mechabot butted in

Boboiboy turned to his freinds for their opinion. The gang nodded at their leader. Boboiboy turned to his father

"I'll accept, but what about my friends?" boboiboy asked

"We can't really invite them to laskar too, but we can arrange you missions with them" amato said

"Just accept it boboiboy" yaya said

He sighed, "Fine, When do I leave?"

"Next week" maskmana said
After arriving at laskar, boboiboy reunited with his father. He settled in the new station before he started training. Training, is where he found out how hard is his father's exercises, concentration, etc. But he pulled through
4 years passed, boboiboy is now 20 years old. He's still close with his friends and is now one of the strongest agents in laskar. Mechabot also became his power sphera, as it was a gift from his father for his 18th birthday

"We welcome you all here to celebrate the newly promoted laskar admiral, Admiral boboiboy!!"

The crowd cheered as boboiboy went to the stage, proudly accepting the award he got. It was now time for his speech

"I thank all of the people and aliens who helped me in this journey, especially my friends Captain Fang, Captain Yaya, Captain Ying, and Lance Corporal Gopal! I also want thank the person who trained me, my father, retired captain amato!"

Everyone clapped their hands for the elemental hero

Meanwhile, Amato was wiping a tear that escaped his eye. He was proud and he was happy to see his son get the promotion he couldn't

"I'm proud of you boi..." Amato whispered

He was happy to see boboiboy achieve the dream he had...

(Hey guys I'm back from my writers block break. Also, I'm sorry if the ending was rushed. I tried)

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