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Boboiboy was his foster father's Favorite.

Eyes gleaming with a foreign sense of endearment and affection whenever his father looked at him. As well as lbetting him do as he please freely. No restrictions whatsoever

Boboiboy was happy with this lifestyle. His foster parents allowed him to learn to cook for himself and even learn how to do things himself. It was a privilege to be allowed to do anything he wants

He often boast to his peers the great home life he has. Comments of how he's lucky and how they wanted to live his life rang through his ears, having boosting his ego

It was refreshing, having to be able to go out late at night and enjoy the stars. He could go out anyday and play to his heart's content. It was perfect!

But whenever adults ask him about his home life, they would look at him in concern. Gazes filled with false excitement of his stories, worry and pity hidden behind.

Some kids started to tell him that they're parent told them that his freedom was worrying and awful

Boboiboy scowls at those comments. He has freedom and he's independent. That's the best you could ever get as a child. Some children aren't even allowes to stay put until 8.

He was sure that they were just jealous. He could anything he wanted.

It was the best.


Maybe some parts of it are worrying...

Even so, it were just some trivial things. They want me to be able to feed myself so I have to cook for myself. I don't have a bed because they don't want me to be a brat

I work small jobs to earn for myself because they want me to learn for the future. They still care about me.

His foster father still looks at him in endearment even if it's when he's hitting him. It's still affection even if he almost beats him to death countless times. He still cares even if it's only for his own entertainment...

He ignored those negative thoughts as they were just lies. Figment of his mind as the comments ofadults lingered in his mind

A bright smile played on his lips as he told the old lady he met on the garden of the outskirts of town the story of his freedom

The elderly woman had a saddened frown as she listened. A voice in her head telling her to comfort the boy

"I have freedom!" Boboiboy mused, a smile so bright you could almost believe he was living the best life

With glistened eyes the elderly woman hugged the boy, comforting him. She knew what was really happening and she pitied the boy and his innocence

"Dearie," The lady whispered softly, making sure not to stratle the young boy. "It's not freedom..."

Boboiboy stayed still, his fist clench knowing what she meant but didn't— wouldn't admit it.  "Then what is it?" He asked, feigning ignorance

"It's neglect and abuse"

Boboiboy one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now