74 || What if?

183 24 5

Boboiboy snuggled under the comfort of his blanket, engrossed on his phone watching a series he remembers being the main entertainment he had in the city

Fortunately, gopal was a deep sleeper. With all his rustling and hush whispers of victories whenever the protagonist of his show did something, boboiboy wouldn't be surprised if he awaken the other

Even if it meant being curled in a ball under the blanket with the harsh rays of his phone directed to his eyes, boboiboy found this hobby of his entertaining. Enough for it to make him go an all nighter rewatching the same season

He grew up in the city, this was just a small hobby that stuck to him, besides the occasional fan fiction stories he writes.

But it did help him greatly with his hero work, watching shows with elemental representation gave boboiboy enough insight on how to use his powers. 'Avatar the last Airbender' was a great example

It also helped his mind with predicting any plans the enemy has for them, with most of the times his predictions ends up greatly overkill and out of the villain's league

He was praised for it either way. 'Expecting the worse' Kokoci might even say

But with his great running imagination along with his overly unbelievable life, he can say his whole existence can be a show

And when there's a show there's theories. That's when he started to space out more often, his mind racing with endless possibilities if he had changed one decision

But one stood out the most, occupying his mind like an uncut thorn in a supposedly safe bouquet of roses. It plagued his mind how it can play out in 3 different things if he made another choice

Take 'My hero' for example, the MC's whole fate rolled out to him on a platter when he chose to go down the rooftop. If even just 1℅ of the MC's mind was more depressing, the MC would've jumped and offed himself.

Or if the MC was a bit more pessimistic, he would've decided to become an enemy rather than a hero.

A life altering decision with even just the slightest difference can change ones fate.

With that in his mind, Boboiboy would often think what his life altering decision was. Was it to follow probe? Possibly, he wouldn't be a hero of didn't follow probe

Or when kaizo offered to join his team. He wonders how much powerful he would be if he did decided to join him them

Then it clicked.

His eyes wandering each star out of the space station window, only for his gaze to land on the picture on his table. He wasn't focusing on tok aba who was in the image or even his younger self. His eyes were solely staring at the house behind them

What if he never asked his father to let him visit his grandad in a whim. If he never made that impulsive decision of a sudden visit, none of this would have happen

It would've ended in two different ways. He could've stayed as an ignorant teenage city boy, probably making fanfics as a hobby or he could've join his father's Laskar force

That option was available to him always after all.

The more he thought about it, the more it made sense. If he never visited his atok he would've never gotten powers, never met his friends, never met adudu or fang. And he surely wouldn't be here daydreaming of what if's

Honestly, he couldn't really care less about his past possible outcomes he already has this one after all

He shut his phone before staring off into nothing, wanting even just a wink of sleep

But that proved to be harder. His mind was filled of his what if's that his fingers itched to type it all down and make a fanfic angst plot with it.

And so he did. Giving in to the itch of fiction, he opened his phone once more and typed out all he could, using his what if's as plot which proved to be motivating to continue his Ao3 account

Safe to say boboiboy didn't get a bit of sleep that night.


Don't come at me by how this turned out.

I didn't bother to proof read it nor check the grammar or whether I stayed on track.

I wrote this in the middle of the night with one of my eyes about to close gor a wonk of sleep.

I read too much windbreaker fan fics...

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