47 || Expectations

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Everyone had expectations.

Tapops has expectations. Laskar has expectations. Humans has expectations. Aliens has expectations.

All has great expectations for him...

For Boboiboy...

Strongest in Earth. Strongest in the station. Strongest in the Universe...

He has to be the strongest...

He needs to reach those expectations and make them reality

Those high, high, high expectations that was set for him.

He can't disappoint them. He can't fail them...

Even if he fails himself...


He can't take it anymore...

He can't reach it.

It's too high...

Everyone's looking down on him

"I'm sorry..." He mumbled as the stars in the sky continued to shine brightly

Multiple lifeless bodies are scattered in the ruined town of this planet, soon his will be one of them

He felt his consciousness slipping. He failed. He couldn't protect the planet. He couldn't dodge that hit

He couldn't catch the culprit...

"Would this have happened if I didn't follow probe...?" Boboiboy mumbled, recalling the time he first interfered in the business of aliens and space

If he had just thought about his choices that time, he would have had a normal life...

He wouldn't have stressed about hero work and only stress about school. He wouldn't have to risk his life. He wouldn't have these expectations set on him

He should've mind his own business...

He hissed in pain as the wound on his liver bled more. He tried to stop the bleeding with his hand, despite knowing that nothing can save him now

He can hear the screams of his elements ringing in his head. Duri, desperately squeezing even just a tiny bit of his energy to heal him

'Duri, it's okay...' Boboiboy's echoed in his mind scape

'You can't leave us...' Duri replied in between sobs

Boboiboy smiled as he closed his eyes. The image of all his elements crying for him broke him but at the same time, gave him peace

They were the only ones who did care about his well being. They're the ones who didn't put expectations he couldn't reach onto him

They're were the only ones who actually cared...

"Thank you..." He whispered one last time before he let go

November 13, 20## at 9:03 pm, The legendary elemental hero, Boboiboy died...


My one shots are getting shorter and shorter🫠

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