33 || Midnight Talk

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Short one shots t'il I finish the long ones

I don't even know where I got the motivation to write these


"Why the fuck are you here?" Boboiboy glanced at the clock beside him. 1:00 am. A tired sigh escaping his mouth

"I need to talk to you" Fang said, no room for arguments

Boboiboy rolled his eyes as he flipped the blanket off of him, revealing his nightwear; Orange pajamas

The 2 boys closed the door of Boboiboy and gopal's room slowly to avoid waking up the Indian boy

"What do you want?" Boboiboy grouched, clearly not enjoying being woken up in the middle of the night

Fang is sweating bullets. Rethinking if he made the right decision, last time boboiboy became grouchy, he almost ended the admiral's career. But oh well, no turning back now

"Just a quick question" Fang took a sharp breath. "Why are you so reckless?"

Boboiboy rose a skeptical brow as he heard the question. "That's it?" He asked, seeing that the shadow manipulator was serious and a fiery determination in his eyes, he sighed

"Didn't I told you guys before? It's to save you guys as quickly as possi—" Boboiboy spoke

"Lie." Boboiboy flinched

"Tell me the truth" Fang stated. "Everytime you go and risk yourself, it's like you want to prove something"

Boboiboy showed a strained smile. "You're just overthinking things" He said before turning around and reached for the door handle, wanting to end this conversation

"Admiral Amato"

Boboiboy paused. He turned his head to glance at the aliens, his eyes darkening

"I know you're his son" Fang added

Boboiboy fully turned to the other, his eyes narrowed to a glare. This was a start of a conversation that he never wanted to see the light of stars "How do you know that?"

"Overheard it at the Admiral meeting yesterday, but that's not the point. Answer my question" Fang said, not backing down

Lie. Lie. Lie. JUST LIE. Boboiboy wanted to lie his way out, but he didn't know how. His gaze glowed in the dark hallway, his piercing gaze staying on fang

Boboiboy sighed in defeat. Those fiery determined eyes always has a way to inspire him. First time he those eyes was when they battled kaizo back when they were kids

"You're right. I was trying to prove something to him" Boboiboy spoke

Fang's gaze stayed on him. He never actually thought that his suspicion was correct, but he stayed silent

" “Biarlah Dia Berdikari” Have you ever heard of that phrase?"

Fang thought hard. He knows he heard that phrase before, the feeling of familiarity present was not like any other

Then it clicked. A vivid memory in his mind. "Once, Admiral Amato said that while talking to Admiral Maskmana"

"I don't want to prove something, I am proving something. Being independent was the only thing he taught me as a kid" Boboiboy spoke, his voice getting softer after every word

"I lived alone for months while he's away at work. I never asked help from him. Risking my life on my own might be the only way I can convince him I am independent... Or so I thought"

He turned around and opened the door. Fang stood still, he got the answer he needed


Fang flinched. "Y-yeah?" He stammered, for unknown reason he was nervous

"Don't tell anyone about this" Boboiboy spoke, voice serious. "Take this to your grave"

The door shut close as the boy clad in orange was out of sight. Fang gulped as he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. The foreign pressure the boy had made him feel will live with him t'il the end of time

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