56 || Mourn

244 27 9

Maskmana tried.

He tried everything to make sure everyone was safe. He made sure the girls had help from armor bot to avoid any casualties

He smiled as he watched the group of teens defeat an elemental master. He watched as his nephew grow ever more stronger. He watched as his same nephew fall into his death...

He quickly dialed someone on his communicator, while hoping someone would save the child

He watched in worry as the other teens jumped in the water to save him. His worry for every one of those kids growing

The communcator beeped as the other end answered. "Amato! What are you doing?! Save him!" Maskmana frantically said

His gaze glancing at the screen, waiting for any sign of the children's movements

"It's fine, they got it covered" Amato replied. "Biarlah dia berdikari"

Maskmana watched as his friend just carelessly let the teens jump into the freezing water, to try and save his son

And this man had the audacity to say such thing while his son had fallen from a dam into freezing water. But he couldn't help but notice the hint of worry reflecting from the other's eyes

Maskmana released a breath he didn't know he was holding as the teens got to the surface of the water. He sighed in relief as he watched the shadow user of the group carry an unconscious boboiboy

He wasted no time and finished his duties in overseeing the evacuation to quickly visit his nephew


He didn't believe it. He hadn't gotten any word from the doctors or the other agents, but the tense atmosphere that dawned upon him the moment he entered the tent, occupied by the teens who saved his nephew

He knew something was wrong...

The disbelief reflecting in the eyes of the kids who had gone through so much had given him the answers for the question he had yet to ask

"How is he?" He asks, worry laced in voice

Still, he wanted to make sure. He needed to make sure. He held on to that thread of hope that he was wrong. That he was just paranoid and overthinking the situation

Fang, the boy he had taken under his wing. The very same boy he had loved and cared for like a son. The same boy he watched get close to the nephew he adores. The same boy who shook his head with tears brimming in his eyes

That simple movement of the boy's head was enough to silence Maskmana's mind. There was nothing he can think of. He can't do anything tto avoid it when it's already done

After all, death was something that can not be undone...

He sighed. He had to take care of this kids first. They witnessed a death of their friend, something he tried so hard to prevent

His footsteps were soft, quiet as a feather from how Yaya describes it. Maskmana slowly got near his figurative son first, kneeling down to reach his height

"Come on..." Maskmana mutters, his voice gentle as a mother's soothing whispers

Fang, without any hesitations, let his body move to embrace the commander. His emotions getting the best of him as his sorrows finally seep through his facade

Maskmana patted the boy's back as his other hand signalled the other kids to join the embrace, to let there feelings out and not mask it under something fake

The 3 humans hesitated. He understood that. A random stranger asking them to let out their feeings was something to be cautios of

He let his mask retract, letting his identity be revealed to the kids. At least if they know that he was a human, maybe they would be willing to trust him

Gopal, didn't really care if he was a human or not but the moment he saw something deep in the forest green eyes the older man had. He allowed himself to be vulnerable and join the warm embrace the man had to offer

Yaya and ying, both still had second thoughts but the more they stared into the beautiful forest eyes, they couldn't help but get reminded of the same genuine eyes their once friend's eyes reflected

Ying sniffed as he allowed herself to surrender to the comfort the commander had offered.

Yaya, still doubting to trust the stranger. She hesitated when she took a step closer. She glanced at the man's eyes again, this time noticing the deep sorrow the man had in his eyes as well

Her kind nature made her join the embrace, not only for her own comfort but to offer the same to the man

Maskmana tightened his embrace on the kids, letting them sob on his armor. This kid's didn't deserve this. His nephew didn't as well.

He couldn't help but let his own tears fall. He was still hurt by the fact he couldn't save all of them.

Part of him blames Amato for this but he knows that his friend is hurting more than him right now. After all, a parent's love for their child in incomparable

And Maskmana knows, deep within him, that he acknowledges that Amato meant well when he chose to let his son grow up independent

The only mistake that was made was that Amato trusted his son too much. He trusted that Boboiboy was strong enough, and he couldn't blame him

Maskmana as well believed that his nephew was strong enough...

But he can consult that with Amato later. Right now, this kids are his top priority.

Experiencing a loss of a friend is something this kids can't easily recover from

But at this moment, not only the kids are vulnerable. Maskmana admits that he, himself felt comfort with the kids in his embrace as well...

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