42 || Ghost

321 23 0

Another Day, Another Drabble


They told them not to tell

They told him only he can see them...

And boboiboy understood. Despite being at a ripe age of 4, he understood well

Even if often times his father asks him why he always talk to himself in his room, he'll just say he's bored

He managed well to hide their presence from other people. He managed to become a hero despite their presence

And he'll manage in the future.




He can't manage anymore...

He's slowly losing it.

After he woke up from the battle with retak'ka, the spirits, those rechet spirits became more human...

He can't tell anymore...

Wether they're human or dead. He's going insane

His friends tried to put in him mental therapy multiple times saying that it could help him...

He clutched the blanket that was covering him. The lights turned off so he couldn't see them

The voices...

They won't shut up..

"What's wrong with him?"

Shut up.

"Is he okay?"

Shut Up.

"Poor kid"

Shut. Up.
Shut. Up.
Shut. Up.

"Isn't that the kid that can see us?"



Don't we love when boi is going insane

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