3 || Secrets

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Today was boboiboy's 8th birthday and amato was home to celebrate it. In the middle of the party while boboiboy was playing with other kids, he saw his father going out of the door.

'Is dad leaving again?.... But it's my birthday... I'll just follow him.' boboiboy thought, then he faced his friends "Guys, I'm just gonna go to the bathroom real quick" boboiboy said to his friends. "Sure/Ok!" was the responses he recieved.

He went out of the room and looked for his father. After a couple of minutes of going around the house, he found his dad at the backyard talking to what looks like a tiny person in his watch.

"You did well in your last mission amato" the tiny person on the watch said. "Thanks, but can I call you back later? It's my son's birthday afterall." amato said to the watch, "Ok, but you need to be back here at the station tonight. We have an important mission." said the person, "Yeah yeah, I'll go there when boi is asleep. See'ya later maskmana." said amato, the only reply he got was a nod. Then the call ended.

Amato turned around to go back to his son's party, but he wasn't expecting that his son was standing by the door. "Dad, who was that? And what did he mean by mission?" boi questioned his father. Seeing that amato couldn't make up an excuse he decided to tell his son about his job.

"Come here kiddo, it's time I tell you what my real job is." amato said while sitting on the grass. Boi sat down with his father, "Aren't you an ambassador?" boi asked, "Yep, I am an ambassador, but in space" replied amato, hearing this made bbb shocked. "WAHH, that's so cool!" boi said excitedly, "*chucle* And your dad isn't just any ambassador, I travel around the galaxy saving power spheras from hunters."amato explained.

Boi gave his dad a confused look, "power sphera? What are those?" boi asked, Amato was now thinking of a way how to explain to his 8 year old son. "Uhh, they're robots like mechabot, and hunters are the bad guys who want to capture them, and use them for bad things" amato explained, "Wahh, so you're like a superhero!" boi exclaimed, and amato nodded. "Can you tell me more, dad?" boi asked his father.

And the father and son spent the rest of the party at the backyard, sitting on the grass while boi is listening to his father's adventurous stories. While they were having a good time, they didn't notice mechabot taking a picture of them.


(This is the story idea 'Secrets' from my idea book)

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