27 || Tomb

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"Ugh..." Boboiboy groaned as he fluttered his eyes open

He sat up and saw that he was in the park, under a tree. 'I must've fell asleep' He thought. He stood up and he felt something was missing, he touched the top of his head only to feel his fluffy brown locks

"My hat... Where's my hat??!" He panicked as he looked around trying to find it but it was nowhere. Boboiboy calmed himself a little but was still internally panicking, trying to think of where he could have left his hat, which was unlikely since he never really took it off

From a distance, boboiboy spotted Yaya and Ying chatting on a bench. Maybe they know where his hat is. He rushed towards them. When he reached them, he was a bit puzzled, did they not notice him?

"Hey guys!" Boboiboy greeted but the girls ignored him

"Guys...?" Boboiboy continued but was still not given attention

"Hey ying, can we go there later?" Yaya asked

Ying's smile turned genuine and warm. "Yeah, I'll tell the others" Ying replied

Ying took her phone out and texted Gopal and Fang which was weird for boboiboy. Don't they usually use their power watches to communicate?

Now that he mentioned that, he noticed that both Yaya and Ying didn't have their power watch, making boboiboy unconsciously touch his wrist, only to feel the wrist warmer. Not his watch. Panic ensued inside his head

"There they are!" Yaya suddenly exclaimed as she pointed at boboiboy

Boboiboy thought they finally noticed him, but his thoughts changed when both girls ran past him. He turned around to see them chatting with fang and gopal who, for him, just newly arrived. He went to them and once again, tried to catch their attention

"Fang!" Boboiboy called

"Gopal?" Boboiboy tried again

"Can't you guys hear me?" Boboiboy asked, sounding defeated. He turned to look at fang and gopal's wrist. Their power watch is also gone

"Where's your watch...?" Boboiboy asked even if by now, he knows they won't pay attention to him

"So are we gonna go there or what?" Fang asked Ying

"Yeah. But first we have to stop by the kokotiam to get a can of cocoa" Yaya said to which the other 3 nodded

Yaya, Ying, Fang, and Gopal then started heading to tok aba's kokotiam with boboiboy following them. As they arrived they sat on the counter, while boboiboy just stood behind yaya

"Hey ochobot! Can we have a can of cocoa?" Gopal said as ochobot came close to them

"Oh yeah, sure! Are you guys going there again?" Ochobot asked, by now boboiboy was curious about the place they were talking about

Fang nodded as a response. Ochobot then grabbed a can of cocoa and an special ice cocoa that was in a disposable cup and gave it to fang. "Here's you can of cocoa and can you bring this too? Atok said to let you guys bring it there" Ochobot said

"Sure" Fang replied as he accepted both the can and the cup. "We'll get going now" Fang said as the group left with boboiboy following them, curious to where they're going

After some time, they stopped in front of a gate. The trees around the gate had no leaves whatsoever and paired with the horror movie design of the gate made it more haunted looking, but for boboiboy, he felt a sense of relief seeing it

Boboiboy noticed the gang finally enter the gate after a short pause of hesitation. He followed them as they walked through the woods, passing by stones with flowers beside them. He looked to where the gang was and realized he was distracted by the flowers besides the stones, he rushed to catch up to the others

He saw the gang stopped and placed the can of cocoa and the special ice cocoa down on the ground. Yaya took out a small cloth and started wiping a stone. Boboiboy grew curious and got closer to the stone to inspect it. Once he saw the name carved onto the stone, a warm and genuine smile formed. He sat beside the stone, staring at his friends as they cleaned the surroundings

"Ahh... I remember now" Boboiboy whispered

"I'm dead" he chuckled to himself

His friends left some prayers before leaving, while boboiboy stayed with a warm look in his eyes as he watched his friends leave his tombstone




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