8 || Is this the....... Future? (Part 2)

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(Here you go my lovely readers, the part 2 you wanted.
Also in this part I'll refer to past boboiboy as P. Bbb to avoid confusion )


"You stay here. I'll go check it out" Fang told P. Bbb

Fang used thunder sprint to get to the control room as fast as possible when he arrived he saw half of the troops unconscious on the ground. He looked around searching for the intruder.

"I'm here~" someone whispered to fang's ear

"Boboiboy." Fang said not looking back.

To be continued...


"That's right~"

"Anyways, where is he? You know, past me" boboiboy asked

Fang whirled his head expecting to see an intimidating boboiboy...but instead he saw him playing around with the unconscious bodies of soldiers. Fang just shrugged it off.

"And why would you like to know?"

"Nothing... I just had a feeling he told you something you shouldn't know" boboiboy said as he stopped playing with the bodies and glares at fang.

Fang shuddered a bit under his 'old friend's' intimidating gaze, but he composed himself.

"Now, how 'bout you tell me what past me told you?" boboiboy said standing up and walking towards Fang

"..." Fang only stayed silent. Not wanting to answer the question

Getting impatient, boboiboy summoned halilintar's sword and dashed to Fang, but fang anticipated his move as he summoned his own sword made out of shadows and blocked his attack. They clashed their swords as they fought ferociously, both of them not planning on backing out.
Meanwhile with P. Bbb

He is currently hiding by the doorframe of the control room.

'They're so fast' P. Bbb thought with sparkling eyes

'But I need to help out fang, but I don't have my powers.....WAIT! that's it!'

P. Bbb took out a dagger from inside of his vest, and sneakily went in the control room. He hid behind a table and when he peeked at the fight he saw fang pinned on the ground by boboiboy.

He decided to sneak behind his future self and jumped on him... But to his surprise, his attack was block by an dagger identical to the one he's using.

"Oh! There you are~. You wanna fight? Sure, I'll fight you but~ since you don't have powers, let's fight with no powers. Shall we?"

Fang only watched the 2 boboiboys fighting skillfully with their own daggers.

'Who even trained them with those daggers?! You know what nvm that. I need to find a way for us to escape' Fang stood up, then he immediately heard a thud.

Fang saw P. Bbb on the ground while boboiboy is standing in front of him.

"You may be skilled, but I'm from the future, remember?~"

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