31 || Left Behind...

353 35 11

All agents retreat back to the extraction point!! I repeat, all agents retreat back to the extraction point!!

All agents ran back as the announcement reached their earpiece

A stray laser reached it's way to one of the agents, hitting their lower thigh, making him unable to walk

Boboiboy winced in pain as the pain shot throughout his leg. He could heal himself but his energy is already drained. Every other agent didn't notice him

The agents only realized he was left behind when they reached the extraction point. They tried to contact him but all was in vain

Boboiboy hadn't move from where he fell, afraid of the dangers if he tried to run with his injury. His earpiece buzzed, he pressed the button to accept the one contacting him

"Agent. I have terrible news" Admiral Tarung's voice echoed. "We can't go back for you. It's too dangerous"

He felt something snapped inside him. Everyone knows him as a forgiving and kind boy but they don't know he inherited his mother's anger

"Are you FUCKING kidding me?! After all I have done for this agency!" Boboiboy's voice boomed

"Agent! Keep you—" Tarung trued to scold him only to be interrupted by the latter

"Don't you 'Agent' me! You lost the privilege to order me around the moment you left me here to die" Boboiboy spoke, voice filled with venom

He took out the earpiece and threw it further into the battlefield. His eyes filled with disdain as he glanced at the remains of the earpiece

He didn't want to die yet. He has so much to do. A stray tear fell from his eyes as he couldn't accept his fate

A shadow loomed over him. He looked up and saw a familiar masked figure. His enemy. His uncle

"You can end me here" Boboiboy spoke. He can't believe he even agreed on going against laskar station even though he knew that the people he cherished and love was there

Maskmana eyes was filled with sorrow as the boy felt betrayed by his own station, his own comrades, his own friends

"I'm sorry they left you here, boi" He spoke, his voice was genuine

He glanced at the wound on the boy's thigh. "Let's get you patched up. I'm not letting you die here"

Boboiboy stayed silent. A glimpse of hope in his eyes, "Why are you helping me...?

" 'No one gets left behind'. My agents have this motto" Maskmana replied

Oh how much boboiboy needed to hear that. He regretted that he quit laskar before and he still regrets it now

Maskmana carried his nephew towards laskar's medical tent. He pitied the boy when he saw how heartbroken the boy's eyes were as tears streamed down his pale face

He vowed that he will annihilate that wrechet station. For forcing young agents to engage in a useless war...

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