61 || Special

251 25 8

The gears turned as the large metal door opened. Multiple guards stepping aside to make way for the higher up and a human

"Cadet, make sure you find the answer to why the elemental watch isn't functioning" Tarung sternly stated, his footsteps weighing heavily on the metal floor

Boboiboy nodded, his mind scrambled in thought. Ever since his watch stopped working, he has been excused from missions until it was fixed

But that wasn't the only thing keeping his mind occupied...

"We're here." Tarung stated. They both stood upon a metal door, a huge window beside it, most likely to oversee the questioning.

Inside, there sat one of the most dangerous aliens recorded in history. Having ruined countless planets just to satisfy his hunger for power


He has weild the elements longer than anyone. With the current problem with the elements, it was decided to question him for possible answers

Boboiboy took a deep breath before nodding to his higher up. Tarung's fingers hovered above the number pad, and with a swift motion, the code was entered and the door opened

Boboiboy walked inside, silence following him from behind. He sat down on the chair opposite of the villain he defeated

Boboiboy observed the villain who stared at him with a hateful glare. He noticed some burns on his body, most likely from supra, and the usual glowing emblem on his chest was dim

Ratak'ka abserved the other as well, noticing some slight changes in clothing but what caught his attention more was the boy's naked wrist

"Where's your power source, boy?" Retak'ka mocked

Boboiboy frowned at the question, his eyes glancing at the higher up observing from the window before replying to the alien

"I ask the questions here" Boboiboy replied, trying to gain control of the conversation

"Do you know why the watch isn't working?" Boboiboy asked as calmly as he can

Ratk'ka scoffed at the boy, his eyes narrowing to a glare. "I have no interest nor knowledge to that watch of yours" Retak'ka sneered

Retak'ka observed the boy once again, noticing the many times the boy would glance at the window. He then noticed the little mark on his wrist, the same one he has on his chest. A spark of interest flared inside him

Wanting to see if his theories was true, he decided to test it.

Noticing the other's gaze become calculating, boboiboy sneered. "What?"

"My, my, is this what this is about?" Retak'ka chuckled maniacally. "Are you upset that you're father didn't save you against me?"

Boboiboy held his breath, a deep reflection of hatred and anger in his eyes

"Are you finding an excuse to blame me of something because I didn't cause you enough harm for you to see your father perhaps?"

He clenched his fist, trying his best to hold his anger

"Or are you blaming me for your father's disappe—"

In a split second, just before he could finish his words, Retak'ka's body got encased with earth and ice spikes, thorny briars encased with electricity slithered around towards him and the  wind around them circled around them dangerously

"CADET!!" Tarung voice boomed but before he could do anything, a barrier of ice and fire surrounded the room, preventing anyone from entering or exiting

"Don't you dare finish that sentence." Boboiboy threatened, his left eye glowing in arrays of colors whilst the other faded to blood red

Despite his predicament, the alien found himself laughing with amusement as he proved his theory to be right.

With a little struggle, Retak'ka freed himself from the trap with the little tracings of the elemental power left within him

"Oh, no. Can't you control them anymore, hero?" Retak'ka chuckled in amusement

Boboiboy's eyes faded back to honey brown as the words of this alien sunk in.

He lost control. Shit. That wasn't supposed to happen. He was supposed to find answers why this was happening in the first place. Tears stung his eyes as he realized he was slowly losing himself.

Why was this even happening? He was supposed to be galaxy's greatest hero. He was supposed to weild these powers and not corrupt.

He's supposed to be special!

"Well, you know what that means..." Retak'ka spoke, his voice one of mocking.

"There really isn't anything special about you..."


Motivation jumped out the window and flew away like peter pan.

Took long enough to finally write a chapter but I will disappear again

Exams, activities and homework is catching up...

Neways, hoped you liked it!!


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