71 || Same yet so Different

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Ever since Fang and him first locked eyes, boboiboy knew there was something they shared. May it be a sense of deja vu or just his gut fooling him but he knows those dimmed eyes too well for it to be just a trick in his mind.

He tried to ask him about it and he just shrugged him off and said he was crazy, but he noticed how fang would pause at the question. How fang would seem upset but not know why or how he would momentarily glare at him before shooing him off.

That was before they found out he kidnapped ochobot. Since they confronted him, the clouded dim eyes of his became clearer. He decided to ask again.


"You're the one who called me out here?" Fang spoke as his footsteps echoed on the rooftop floor.

Boboiboy nodded, his body swaying back and forth like a child about to received his Christmas gift. It bothered Fang.

As Boboiboy laid eyes on the other, his smile became brighter before it fell into one of predatory like.

"Yep" His cheery voice voiced out.

"What do you want?" Fang asked, his posture wary and cautious. Something about the other made him anxious of his every move.

"Remember the question I asked you before?" Boboiboy queries, his tone dropping to seriousness.

Fang visibly flinched at the mention. Now that he remembers, his amnesia no longer present, he became even more careful.

"Do you have some particular issues with your family?" Boboiboy asked, not caring if he's being insensitive.

"Nothing that you should know about" Fang answered.

"Hmm," Boboiboy hummed, his bright cheery persona returning. "Fine. I'll ask you again though" He warned before leaving the rooftop.

Boboiboy momentarily grinned as he observed the alien brothers who claim to take their watch.

His eyes gazing on Fang's as his theory was finally proven true. Those dim eyes, those tense moments whenever family is mentioned, those times he evades questions regarding his family.

They all proven him right, but now was not the time to feel victorious. He had to resolve this betrayal issue of his recently new friend.

Boboiboy stood in front of the abandoned mansion, wanting to rub in the apparently, alien's face.

He hummed as a shadow loomed over him in a threatening manner but he didn't move an inch, not showing any signs of fear. He felt too victorious than to feel fear.

"What?" Fang scoffed as the shadow receeded and he stood in it's place.

"Remember the question?" Boboiboy spoke, his voice same as when they were at the rooftop.

Fang groaned, he expected this but he dreaded it to happen. Boboiboy's eyes lingered like a predator at the alien, his lips forming a smile that bothered Fang to his core.

"Now, I'm sure you do have family issues, brother issues in general" His said in a voice that seemed proud.

Fang's expression turned grim. His eyes glaring at the other. He wondered just how good this human's deducting skills were but he's more enraged to why this mere human was so insensitive.

Boboiboy's features turned soft, sympathetic at most. Fang saw familiar gleam in the other's eyes, same as his. A light that was broken by people he was close with.

"We're the same..." Boboiboy trailed before he seemingly disappeared, a trail of red lightning left behind.

Fang stilled, he was left dumbfounded by the sudden sentence he spoke. It was as if— no, he did felt the same way as him.

Boboiboy avoided Fang. Fang noticed early on, they were starting to get along well, enough to call each other best friends despite the common arguements.

But Fang was abruptly always cut off by boboiboy whenever he offered to spar, always saying he's busy.

He was a cadet, what could he busy with? Fang's a Private and he only has so little papers to review and that's it. Cadets only jobs are missions.

But he feels it has something to do with him and kaizo. Ever since his relationship with his brother started to work out, that's when he started to avoid him.

Boboiboy was annoyed, frustrated and enraged even. He doesn't mean to be but he can't help it.

He knew early on how much they were the same but also knew they were so different.

Fang was let down by his brother, boboiboy was let down by his father. They both bore the same feelings of being treated like fragile glass, the feeling of being too protected even if they could handle it, yet why did they approach it so differently?

Boboiboy resorted to hatred. Deciding to hate his father to the fullest for treating him like a useless child, for not trusting him enough.

Fang resorted to forgiveness. He forgave him and worked so hard just to prove he wasn't fragile and prove he did...

How come he gets the happy family he wanted? How come boboiboy doesn't?

By hating his father he proved he was independent. He proved he can do as much so why did his father leave him like that?

Boboiboy blinked. He saw himself in the mirror, a pathetic miserable child. Jealous of those who succeeded in the same mission he had.

He doesn't mean to avoid fang, he doesn't mean it to seem like he hated him. It's just, he can't help but feel jealous of him...


Practicing my writing skill since I'm joining a competition tomorrow for creative writing

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