49 || Confidential

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The sun shined brightly at noon. The aliens working nonstop and sweating from the heat of day

Yaya marveled at the beauty of this exotic flowers this planet had to offer. The gang had visited Tok kasa a couple weeks after the battle against Retak'ka

Boboiboy was out venturing the jungle while the sun is still up to avoid the sloth monsters

"Uhm, tok kasa. Why did Retak'ka turn evil? You mentioned you were both heroes in the past" Gopal asked

Fang, Yaya, and Ying, who was talking about a flower they saw, averted their attention to their friend

The elderly alien chuckled at the curious expressions the teens wore. "Indeed, we were. His betrayal was a big change in the elemental alliance 400 years ago. Although, almost all of us expected it"

"Expected? How?" Ying asked curiously

Tok kasa cocked a brow, "The kid didn't tell you?" He questioned. Upon seeing the confused expressions they wore, Tok kasa sighed. "Haish, that kid"

"The elements are sentient beings and they are constantly trying to take control of their user's body. So every user is in constant battle for control in their mind" Kasa explained

"Betrayal was expected since weeks prior to his betrayal, he had been spacing out alot. And it was clear he was losing in his battle. When a user loses the battle, their mind becomes corrupt" Kasa finished

"So you need to be mentally capable to do daily activities while battling in his mind?" Yaya concluded

Tok Kasa nodded, "Although, the more elements one holds, the more likely they will get corrupt"

"What about boboiboy? He's still standing" Fang spoke

Tok Kasa hummed in thought. "That boy is indeed something else. When he first came to me holding 3 elements I was already suspicious of him but when he told me he had 7, I thought he was a fraud" Tok kasa admitted

"How long does this mind battle even goes?" Gopal asked

"It never does." Kasa replied

Tok Kasa narrowed his eyes as the indian boy showed a confused expression. Did this boy not believe him?

"Boboiboy told me he has the elements on a leash" Gopal said. "He was being scary when he said it too" Gopal shivered at the memory

"Is that so?" Kasa replied, acting casual


The ship hovered off to the sky of his planet as the 5 teens waved goodbye. His eyes focused on the boy clad in orange, observing his every move

After the ship was out of sight, he directly went to the basement of his house. The advance technology humming as the floor boards creak from his steps

He stopped in front of what looks like a pin board draped with a white cloth. His hand moved to remove the cloth, revealing a board filled with pictures of boboiboy fighting against his enemies. Vines connecting each picture.

The vines all connected in the middle of the board, a drawing of a shadowy figure. It was the same figure each elemental user saw while battling against their element in their mind. A shadowy figure in the far end corner, watching them

Kasa's eyes narrowed as his lips curved to a frown. The figure's silhouette was the same as boboiboy's...

"It seems I was right..." He muttered under his breath

"It's him..."


Just found this chapter written in the back of my noteboook, probably made it a couple months back...

Don't know what the og plot was supposed to be so let your imagination run wild ig

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