5 || Secret visit

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"I-i did it" our elemental hero said as he transformed back

He finally did it. He beaten the legendary elemental master, retak'ka. Boboiboy took a step backwards due to tiredness, not knowing he would step on the edge and fall down the dam.

He fell into the water. "BOBOIBOY!!!" was the last thing he heard before losing consciousness.








/Meanwhile at laskar station/

Amato, the father of boboiboy, only watched his son's victory against one of the galaxies most powerful villains through a screen. Throughout the whole fight he was worried, but he was confident in his son's ability and wanted him to berdikari.

When boboiboy fell of the dam, he could only watch in horror. Oh, how he wish he was there to save his only son.

After watching his son's friend save boboiboy, he sat on his chair as he felt a wave of relief wash over him.

"mechabot, unmechanize" amato said

His armor then turned into a power sphera named mechabot.

"You know, if you're really worried about him, you should go visit him. I mean it's been years since you visited your own son!" mechabot said to his master

"I know, but I still have work to do" replied amato

Mechabot rolled his eyes with his master's response.

"Your son almost died out there! And your worried about your work?! Kid, you should really start acting like a real dad"

Amato could only stay silent as his robot partner scolded him.

'Should I visit him?' Amato thought, contemplating whether to go or not...








/Planet Earth/ 1:00 am

It was beautiful starry night and at the evacuation site, we see boboiboy still in his coma. He has been in a coma since the fight 4 days ago. And while he was unconscious, a spaceship landed a couple miles from him.

/Amato's POV/

I landed the spaceship a couple miles far from the evacuation site to not disturb the sleeping citizens. As I went out I quickly began to walk to the site.

/A small timeskip/

I finally arrived at the evacuation site. I waited for the gaurds to fall asleep till I went in, and I immediately saw my son unconscious on bed, and beside him were 4 beds with his friends asleep on them.

I knelt down next to my son's bed and put the letter under his pillow.

"I'm sorry, Boi" I whispered, as I kissed his forehead

Then I left...

/End of Amato's POV/







/Timeskip/ Bbb's POV

I slowly opened my eyes, the first thing I noticed was the blinding light. I adjusted my vision and tried to sit upright but failed, and my failed attempt didn't go unnoticed.

"BOBOIBOY'S AWAKE!!" I heard someone, presumably gopal shout

Then my friends surrounded my bed. Someone then helped me fix my position. I looked to the one who helped me, it was yaya.

"You feeling good, Boboiboy? Any discomforts?" She asked worried

"I'm fine. Just a little light headed" I replied

"You had us worried, you know!" ying exclaimed

"I'm sorry if I made you guys worried" I said in a apologetic tone

"It's fine, but you should be more careful next time" yaya said

"I'll try. Anyways, how long was I out for?"

"Uhm, about 5 days" Fang replied

"Ahh alright. Wait! 5 DAYS?!!" I exclaimed. 'Was I really out for that long?? I must have overused powers'I thought

"On a different note, you should rest. Just call one of us if you need anything, Okay?" yaya said


With that they left me to rest...

'Why do I feel like he was here? Meh, maybe it's just my imagination'

I lift up my pillow to fix it, and I found a letter. It was under my pillow. 'I wonder who left it here'I thought. I opened the letter and read it.

'Hey kiddo, you did an amazing job defeating that noseless alien, I'm proud of you...

I'm sorry I didn't help you, I knew you could do it but... I felt like it would've been better if I was there to help you so you wouldn't be this injured, and I could have caught you when you fell. I'm sorry for being a bad father to you...

Your father, Amato'

It was from dad. A single tear drop fell from my eye, 'he really was here.. ' I smiled fondly

"I forgive you dad. I know you have a lot of work that's why you couldn't help me" I whispered

End of Bbb's POV






/Meanwhile at Laskar/

Amato smiled warmly.

"Hoy, Amato why did you suddenly smile??" mechabot asked confused

"Nothing~" Amato replied teasingly

'I just feel like he forgave me' He thought...






(Sorry if it was a bit cringey. I don't really kow how to write an apology so forgive me.

This is also from My idea book, it's the chapter 'Visit')

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