11 || A traitor?

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It was a ordinary day... Until it wasnt.

"Admiral tarung?" a voice echoed in a dark room known to be the admirals room

"why is it so quiet...?"the boy said again, he was looking for a certain switch.

"Ahh, there it is" he turned the switch and turned around to see a horrofying scene.

A familliar face laying on a pool of blood, it was none other than the admiral tiger *cough* i mean tarung lifeless

The boy didn't waste time and alerted the commander.

"EVERY AGENT MUST COME TO THE CONTROL ROOM, I REPEAT EVERY AGENT." a speaker boomed the announcement surprising everyone including our favorite team.

"huh, i wonder what is it, admiral rarely calls everyone at the sametime" a famlliar alien boy said.

"Maybe something happened, our elemental hero replied to his friend and rival.

"Let's just go" a chinese girl said.

After a while of walking they arrived seeing almost everyone there. They went and stand next to captain Kaizo at the front.

"Good afternoon captain, do you know what's happening?"Fang questioned his brother.

"Afternoon private and no i dont know." the captain replied
After everyone arrived kokoci announced the news.

"Admiral tarung died." he said without hesitating.

Everyone was shocked, i mean who wouldn't be? Their anger issued admiral died so suddenly.

"what?.." yaya said shocked

"who killed him commander?" kaizo asked

"sadly we still don't know but we suspect it might be one of you." kokoci answered his question.

"Why do you say that commander?" boboiboy questioned

"Tarung is known to be retired, so no villain would know he was in the station and we checked every cctv camera for a escaped prisoner which lead to nothing so that leads to someone in here is only acting to be an agent."

everyone fell silent...

"How are you sure commander? Do you know who is the traitor?" boboiboy said.

"We actually do, we suspected a traitor for a few months now and we asked every power sphera to help us try and know who stole files in the middle of the night." everyone was surprised.

"So? Who is it?" fang asked for everyone

"before i tell i would like him to try and reveal himself." kokoci said

"why would you do that admiral his a murderer!" kaizo exclaimed

"well this 'traitor' is actually a powerful one and has helped us so if he expose himself maybe we'll shorten his punishment."

everyone didn't know if this was a good idea...

"Fine then." kaizo angrily said

"So... Shadow would you like to reveal yourself?"kokoci said and they all looked at none other then fang.

"fang... Don't tell me..."kaizo said face full of disbelief


Everyone didn't believe him, and now they're surrounding him, but then.. someone laughed making everyone silent....

"HAHAHAHAHAHA" a laugh, voice full of malice

"You know he's right it's not him." a familliar boy said

Everyone was shocked...

Everybody turned to the traitor... but something was different about him

About Boboiboy....

(Hello guys! Today I convey to you a chapter made by my sister dalmafran
Should she make her own book?
I let you guys answer, and tell me in the comments)

I also posted this in my idea book, but this is a one-shot, so I decided to post it here too

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