20 || Birthday

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"Ugh... " someone grumbled, as he slammed the alarm clock to shut it off

Grabbing the blankets of his body, he forced himself to face the pain of waking up at 5:00 in the morning. He sat up and rubbed his eyes to get rid of the tiredness, which was unsuccessful.

After seconds of contemplating whether to get ready and be early for the so-called important meeting, or go back to sleep and get a scolding for being late. He got up and grabbed his towel, while grumbling incoherent curses

He peeked at the calendar as he pass by it. Today's date, which was March 13, was circled and there was an awful drawing of a bithday cake beside it, he shrugged before continuing his venture to the bathroom

As he was about to enter the bathroom, he stopped as his brain finally finished processing what he saw on the calendar. He sped through the hallway. Standing before the calendar he passed by earlier. His face brightened up

It was his birthday

Exited to find out what the day has for him on his birthday, he sped to the bathroom, ultimately trying to finish his morning regime as fast as he can


What ever he was expecting, it wasn't this. His day was full of missions, and that oh-so-important meeting early in the morning, wasn't even worth waking up at 5:00 am. They only discussed about the change of name for their disguise. And to make it worst, nobody even greeted him a happy birtday. Not even his friends

He sat on a vacant seat in the cafeteria with his friends. Ignoring the chicken he ordered

His friends couldn't help but notice their leader's bad mood. They looked at each other, silently fighting each other on who should ask what's wrong

As their silent fight lasted 2 minutes, Fang was the one who gave up. The purple porcupine rolled his eyes at the others before turning to his rival

"You okay, boboiboy?" Fang asked in a worried tone

Boboiboy grumbled, before forcing his teeth to clench to a smile, "What ever do you mean fang?"

Gopal deadpanned at his best friend's forced smile, "You're clearly not okay. You're literally in a bad mood" he said as he pointed at the aura boboiboy was emmiting

Ahh, one of the annoying things about his powers. Whenever his feeling an extreme emotion, the color of the element that represents the said emotion emmits an aura off the boy

Which is what's happening now. Maroon red aura was radiating off of him

Letting out an annoying grunt, boboiboy stood from his seat and left to his room. Leaving his friends alone

As boboiboy was out of sight, ying turned to the others with a deadpanned expression

"Yeah, he thinks we forgot his birthday" ying said. And the others agreed


He slammed the door to his room, before collapsing on his bed. The red aura still surround him. Staring at the ceiling, his mind drifted to sleep

"Boboiboy... "

Boboiboy's eyes shot open. The familiarity of the voice surprised him

He wasn't in his cramp room, instead he was in his old bedroom at kota hilir

"Ayah! Ayah!"

A child's voice said. It came from the living room. He slowly went downstairs to see why he was here. He smiled warmly at the memories he has at this house

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