law oneshot:

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law (25) x assistant ! taller ! male (24)
modern au
warnings: none

"what qualifications do you have?" luffy asked, looking over the male's resume.

"well, i-"

"you're hired."

he blinked, "but i didn't say anything."

"looking over things, mr.l/n, i can tell you're right for the job." m/n blinked, opening his mouth, "besides, robin did a background check, you're good. this was more to making our boss not so lonely."

"what did i get myself into?"

"we have no idea." he responded, "also, there's a meeting next monday. that's your first day here in this building, your first official day starts now. this is mr.trafalgar's schedule, it's all jumbled up. you are to sort it out since you're his assistant." m/n nodded, that was a given, "also, bring some black coffee monday. he likes it bitter."

"alright, sounds simple enough."

"i'll have robin show you around the place before you can take your leave."

m/n nodded, getting up and bowing his thanks. he needed the job, so he wasn't going to question it. after the tour and a nice conversation with robin, he left the building, taking a few steps before looking back at the tall ceo company. he sighed, he wondered what he would have to prepare for.


monday rolled around, he took a deep breath as he got out of bed. he washed up and changed into black pants and a f/c long sleeve button up and tucking it in. he grabbed the files he sorted for his new boss, then he went to the door and slipped on his dress shoes and walking out his apartment door, locking it behind him.

he didn't have a car, so he had to walk to the company. he sighed, it was tiresome. when he arrived he greeted robin who happily smiled back.

luffy came from around the corner, laughing when he saw m/n. happily waving and telling him to follow.

the tall male followed quietly, he was taken to the cafeteria where he could make mr.trafalgar's coffee, then to the meeting room.

when they arrived, it was a glass room. they saw a man standing up as people were around the room sitting at a large table. the man standing wore a long black coat with the word 'corazon' on it, a weird hat on him, but m/n shrugged, it suited him.

"that's your boss." luffy said, patting him on the back, "good luck, everything will be okay." before m/n could question, luffy opened the door, "here's your new assistant, traffy!" he shoved m/n in and closed the door.

m/n glared at luffy through the glass windows.

he composed himself, smoothing down his nice clothes with the hand holding his papers, hoping that this job will be good for him. he walked to the only male standing.

"hello mr.trafalgar, here's your coffee. i do apologize for interrupting your meeting, luffy couldn't wait." he then handed him his papers, "this is your schedule over the course of this month. you're only free days are wednesday's and saturday's to do what you need to do. you have a private meeting tomorrow with another big company with someone named doflamingo. i shall be off, i'll be in the office luffy gave me whenever you need me."

he then left the meeting room, walking away. as soon as he was away from the glass window, he put a hand over his heart, taking a deep breath. he felt everyone's eyes on him and it was nerve wracking.

not noticing law's eyes on him, his gaze lingering even when he disappeared from his view. law was intrigued. law felt a warm feeling bubble up as the taller male spoke.

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