sanji one shot:

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sanji x rich male
warnings: none
modern au

not proof read

sanji got in his car after a long shift, he frustratedly ran his fingers through his blond hair. a bit of sweat trailed down the side of his head as the kitchen was hot.

he turned his car on, seeing the gas low and he groaned. he spent most of his money on his bills and groceries for his apartment for the month. he has about 10 bucks in cash for gas.

he hopes it'll be enough until he gets paid.

he drove to the nearest gas station, cursing inflation and the gas prices going up practically every day. he stopped next to a pump, his head dropping on his wheel.

he took a breather, before stepping out of his car. he closed the door and leaned against it for a moment. he opened his pack of cigarettes, seeing he was low. he hopes it'll hold out until he gets paid again.

he can't buy any cigarettes this time around.

he pulled one out, pinching it between his lips as he got his lighter out. once the smoke hit his lungs he felt much better, his tense shoulders relaxed. he sighed out the smoke that filtered in.

he felt a weird sensation take over him, like he was being watched. yet, he shrugged it off and continued to smoke his cigarette. he dropped it and stepped on it, throwing it away in the trash can by his pump.

he adjusted his shirt and then walked into the gas station. unaware the e/c eyes that had followed his movements. from the moment he pulled up, to smoking, to relaxing, to throwing it away and going into the gas station.

sanji put a 10 down, "10 on pump 4." he said, his fingers twitching when he saw many different types of packs of cigarettes.

the cashier looked down at the bill, raising a brow. "only ten? that won't get you far." it was mumbled.

sanji's swirly eyebrow twitched, he glared at the cashier. they jumped and looked away.

"it's all i have." sanji said.

who was this cashier? so what it was only a ten, that doesn't mean sanji was completely broke. he's just struggling in this moment.

"right, sorry." they muttered, going to tap 10 bucks in the system.

both were startled when another hand went down on the counter, a 50 dollar bill was put down.

"don't know how much you need, but this should cover it. maybe even get you a pack of cigarettes." a rumbled like voice spoke from next to sanji.

sanji was startled, a bit weirded out as well, but nothing too unfamiliar. he could handle himself quite nicely.

sanji snapped his head to the side, the chime of the door indicated the man left. his h/c hair was slicked back and the sun made it shine. a weird feeling bubbled up.

sanji didn't need help. sanji didn't want to owe anyone anything or be grateful. let alone to some man, the weird feeling hit him again. he didn't like it, he wouldn't even like it if a woman put money down. he'd be the one doing that, despite the little money he had. that if this mysterious man was flirting, he wasn't interested. he only liked women.


sanji snatched his 50 and 10 just in case, he barged out the gas station. his lips pressed in a thin line and his bright blue eye showing was filtered into a glare.

"hey!" he shouted, ready to tell this man off.

he grabbed the s/c hand, spinning the man around. he was around the same height as sanji so they were eye to eye.

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