mihawk request:

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drunk top mihawk (42) x bottom ! drunk ! male (40)
warnings: drunk sex, rough
requested by: @acemeyomey346

⚠️note: a/d=alcoholic drink⚠️

mihawk had sailed the seas on his one person boat, but he grew rather bored. so, he found himself a quaint little bar. the strongest swordsman in the world hummed to himself as he entered it.

a drink would be nice.

his eyes scanned the bar, checking to see if there were any pirates he could take down during his little drink time. until he made eye contact with e/c eyes, mihawk stopped looking around the room.

when mihawk had first entered the bar, m/n's eyes landed on him and he stopped breathing. m/n always looked when someone entered the bar, but no one's ever made him take a second glance.

m/n's cheeks had flushed pink, but as soon as mihawk looked at him, his blush deepened. he quickly looked away and sipped on his drink.

m/n knew mihawk's name and of his status, but who wouldn't know him? mihawk was a very good looking guy and m/n would probably fold in an instant if mihawk approached him.

"mind if i sit here?"

a deep like voice asked, there was a smooth like tone to his voice. m/n tensed, praying it wasn't the person he made eye contact with. he slowly turned his head, his cheeks darkening even more and his e/c eyes were wide.

"s-sure!" the stutter wasn't the problem, it was the fact his usual calm voice went two octaves too high.

he covered his mouth and looked away. mihawk chuckled, finding it rather endearing that this mysterious male was already flustered. he pulled a seat up and sat at the table.

m/n wasn't making eye contact, just looking at the drink he was swirling a bit. the booze swished in his cup, and he felt his heart pounding in his ass.

mihawk smirked, waving down a waiter to get some wine. he clasped his hands together and put them on the table, his golden hawk eyes boring into m/n's side profile.

taking note of his fidgety fingers, his nose scrunching, his e/c eyes darting around the room, his s/c a shade or two darker out of flusteration (this isn't a word, but lowkey it should be). and he seemed to be moving a bit around.

"i'm hawkeye mihawk." mihawk tried to be polite, stating his name.

"how humble." m/n muttered, finally looking at mihawk. he smiled a bit, "i'm l/n m/n."

mihawk chuckled, looking directly into m/n's eyes. the shorter male felt his heart stop at the chuckle being directed at him. his fingers shook a bit around his drink.

he was very nervous, but he tried to smile anyways. showing his teeth and everything, mihawk smiled back. his smile was smaller and softer than m/n's.

"easy, love." mihawk said, his hand going over m/n's. he helped put m/n's down. "i don't bite." he smirked.

m/n shivered a bit at the underlying silver lining of mihawk's words. his body felt warm and he shied away briefly.

"you seem a little empty on your drink, would you like another?" mihawk asked, his finger tracing over m/n's knuckles.

m/n licked his lips, nodding his head. another drink would be nice, he wanted to calm his nerves a bit. he needed the confidence to talk to mihawk without stuttering or blushing.

mihawk was just so hot and good looking.

mihawk thought m/n was also good looking. finding him rather cute and felt the need to be near him. he wanted to get to know m/n on a personal level.

one piece x male reader one shots Where stories live. Discover now