heat request:

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heat (?? don't know his age) x top ! male ! reader ! (?? since i don't know heat's age)
warnings: bdsm, edging, overstimulation, begging, maybe a bit ooc as i don't know heat's character that well??
requested by: @zozocibib

not proof read, let me know if you see mistakes.

⚠️smut basically starts automatically⚠️

it was late at night, heat and m/n were the only two up. they've had this growing tension with every second they spent together with, so m/n decided to do something about it.

and that's how he ended up in heat's room on the ship, kissing him and walking him to his bed.

heat had his arms wrapped around m/n's neck, his legs hitting his bed before his back landed on the soft cushion. hear grunted, moaning as his fingers filtered into m/n's hair.

heat's shaggy long blue hair spread behind him, feeling one of m/n's hand play with the strands visible at the other cupping his cheek.

his thumb going over heat's scars as their lips stayed together. softly moaning in each other's mouth as everything fell into place for them.

their lips molded together, their tongues tracing over each others mouth as they searched each other, their eyes closed, their hands and arms wrapped around each other.

they held each other tenderly as the warmth bubble between them and grew into something much stronger. much hotter.

m/n slowly scooped heat into his arms, laying him flat on the bed so he could hover over him.

heat sat up, looking up at m/n with pure lust in his eyes. heat slowly let m/n go, reaching behind him to put his hair up in bun. a ponytail would still get in the way.

m/n's hands tenderly cupped heat's cheek, his fingers touching over the scars and going down his necks.

"i've been wanting to do this for a very long time." m/n softly admitted, his eyes looking up into heat's eyes. "i have so many things that i want to do to you."

heat never took his eyes off of m/n. his hands grabbed m/n's shoulders, pulling him down and kissing him again.

their lips molding together, and the thought of m/n doing whatever he wanted to heat stirred something in the blue haired pirate.

"do whatever you want. take me." heat said.

his palms growing warm, burning off m/n's shirt. m/n grinned into the kiss.

"oh, we're going to have so much fun." m/n mumbled against his lips.

m/n pulled away from heat's lips. heat chased his mouth, his grey like skin flushing a bit red when m/n smirked.

m/n kissed down heat's neck. sucking on the smooth skin. he avoided heat's tattoo's for the time being so he could leave marks on his neck.

some of the hickey's were big, some were small, some weren't even hickey's. there was love bites and bruises on heat's neck.

after he littered heat's non-tattooed skin with different types of bruises. his thumb skimmed over what he made. smirking at the art he made.

heat hummed, closing his eyes and letting himself melt into the pleasure. especially when m/n leaned back down and trailed his tongue over the tattoo's on his neck.

heat shuddered at the feeling. m/n's tongue warm and left a tingling feeling.

m/n's hands skimmed up and down on heat's arms. his fingers massaging the muscles and tattoo's that littered each little inch.

one piece x male reader one shots Where stories live. Discover now