usopp request:

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usopp (19) x taller ! buffer ! male (20)
warnings: heated make out session, fucking on a counter, scratching, finger fucking, overstimulation
requested by: @mac_n_cheese5

m/n rolled in his hammock, seeing usopp's hammock empty. a small smile graced his features at the thought of usopp up and tinkering with something.

he was the last to get up, as always. he usually stayed up late and works later in the afternoon. he sometimes even missed lunch, if not for usopp waking him up and bringing him a plate or food.

this time, m/n woke up just a bit earlier.

he got out of his hammock, running his fingers through his h/c hair to try and detangle the messy strands.

he slipped on his socks and shoes and walked out of the room to fully wash up in the bathroom.

he walked out into the bright light, the sun hurting his eyes before they adjusted.

"morning m/n!" luffy said, hanging above him as he held onto his hat.

"more like afternoon." zoro grumbled, walking by to find a place to nap in.

"morning luffy." m/n smiled, flicking his upside down forehead before walking around to find usopp.

luffy only laughed, flipping himself upright to run to the kitchen.

m/n found usopp on the upper deck with franky, both working on a new form of canon. one with better force, aim and strength to take a ship their size down in one hit.

m/n sat down next to usopp, his hand behind usopp as he leaned back a bit. he tilted his head and kissed usopp's cheek, sticking his tongue a bit in disgust as he kissed some soot.

he wiped his tongue and his nose scrunched. usopp snickered at the disgusted noise m/n made and him trying to spit out the taste.

"how's the canon going?" m/n asked quietly, finally composing himself.

usopp lifted his googles up, his tongue was poking out a bit in concentration, but he reeled it back in when looking at m/n.

he gave a bright smile, his smile widening more when m/n used his shirt to wipe off some canon ash off his face.

"it's going great! almost done." usopp said, putting his goggles back on. "you woke up early." usopp noted.

he began tinkering with the canon again. his tongue back to poking out. m/n chuckled, looking at usopp a bit. he couldn't help but admire usopp, just as he always did.

"felt well rested for once." m/n commented.

"all thanks to me. i think i did great work with creating a sleeping machine for you."

"yeah, that thing fell off. i think it was because i got to cuddle my lovely boyfriend."

m/n grinned, usopp's face shifted into a bashful look. m/n could never tell if he blushed, but his smile and slight shake in his shoulders always gave it away. m/n could tell when he felt flattered, embarrassed, hurt, or any other emotion from the way he smiles to the way his eyes twitch.

m/n had studied every little emotion and facial expression, he learned usopp's body language inside and out.

"i left as soon as you were asleep." usopp commented.

"yeah, which is cruel." m/n pouted.

"can't blame me. hammocks are small."

"you were literally on my chest, i was the hammock for you. are you saying i'm small?" m/n looked offended.

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