zoro request:

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zoro (21) x bottom ! connected ! connected ! devil ! fruit ! strong ! male ! (21)
warnings: rough sex, choking, bruises, scratching, unprotected sex
requested: ipbanned
(df: anyone he comes into contact with, he can use invisible strings to connect their souls so he knows their location no matter how far they are, even if they have no life left. he can connect two other souls together as well.)

"hey captain," m/n turned to look at his crew mates he gathered. the male narrowed his eyes at the female who called for his attention, she was avoiding eye contact. "hiroto got himself captured."

m/n cocked a brow, "by who? and how?"

"the infamous straw hat crew, supposedly he decided to infiltrate their ship when you were talking with river."

m/n sighed, "that dumbass." hiroto was m/n's first mate... and unfortunately his co-captain. "let's go get him."

"if hiroto is dead, am i co-captain next?" river asked.

"no," m/n pointed a thumb at the female who told him about hiroto. "reyes is."

reyes stuck her tongue out, river pouted. m/n rolled his eyes, walking past everyone, calling out for arcalia to set the hails towards the wind. it was a faster way to get to the ship, as his soul was connected to hiroto's and he was able to know his location. his entire crew's soul was connected.

m/n sat on the figure head of a dragon. one leg propped up as he rested his arm on it, sighing and keeping his eyes on the vast ocean in front of them. once he saw the straw hat ship slowly get closer he jumped off the figure head.

he nodded his head, everyone reached to their pants, they unconnected their masks. m/n put on an f/c dragon mask, nothing was showing, not even his eyes. but he could still see through his mask.

his crew just put on plain white face mask, no outline, no design. it was a blank canvas, that way people can know who's the captain of the crew.

"snow and river, you two watch the ship." m/n said. "the rest of you stay below the ship, i'll go in their ship for hiroto, if things go south, you have my permission to board and fight. only if you feel me tug your strings."

"yes sir."

the straw hats saw a ship approaching them, they grew ready for an attack. the closer the ship got, the more they could see a skull with a dragon wrapping around it and the bones in an 'x' shape behind the design.

"told you! my crew always comes!" hiroto gave a big smile, adjusting his hands and touching the rope, "no matter how much of a dumbass i am." he mumbled that to himself.

"who are they?" luffy asked.

"i'm not too sure..." robin said, "they must be new pirates."

"we aren't. we just keep a low profile. my captain and crew are very strong, just you wait." hiroto said, giving high praise of his friends, "we're the dragon pirates."

"why don't you tell them all of our weaknesses while you're at it."

the entire straw hat crew snapped their entire bodies behind them, eyes widened. everyone looked up to the tree, hiroto grinned seeing the familiar dragon mask.

"captain! you came!"

m/n huffed, "you dumbass. what part of 'keep a low profile, we don't want any unwanted attention. especially from the marines.' makes you think i said get captured by the infamous straw hats?"

hiroto gave a sheepish grin, "if it really bothered you, you could've kicked me off the crew." hiroto frowned, "i can feel you rolling your eyes."


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