smoker request: pt 2

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smoker (34) x mercenary/bounty ! hunter ! male (34)
warnings: shower lemon, finger fucking, blowjob, mouth fucking
requested by: @wagnerreborn00

there was one bed in the inn. this made smoker look at the bounty hunter, seeing his face filled with mischief.

"you know," m/n glanced at smoker, a smile reaching his face, "i say we should shower. i've done a lot today..." he leaned down, licking the blood off of smoker's cheek, "and you're a bit bloodied." he whispered, kissing smoker's cheek.

smoker inhaled, slowly exhaling. he looked slightly up to make eye contact with m/n. smoker felt his heart skipping a beat, it began to pound in his chest as the thoughts that filled his mind continued to grow.

screw it.

smoker wrapped his arms around m/n's neck, putting his lips on m/n's lips. he felt the chapped lips of the bounty hunter. m/n kissed back, his hands on smoker's waist.

m/n walked backwards, his back hitting the bathroom door. one hand went to the door, twisting the knob, they stumbled into the bathroom.

m/n began taking off smoker's disguise as smoker did the same to m/n's clothing. their lips still very close as their main focus was to see each other's body.

m/n turned on the shower, the temperature was warm, so smoker turned it up slightly to get it slightly hotter. m/n laughed, pulling him in and closing the curtain behind them. smoker had his back towards the water, feeling the water pelting him as he continued to kiss m/n.

m/n pulled away, going down to his neck. smoker had his hands on m/n's back, curling his fingers into his back each time m/n kissed down or sucked on his pale skin.

m/n's hands traveled down his skin. outlining each curve with his touch. smoker felt aroused, feeling his skin warm up to each touch. his skin felt hot and fiery from the criminal's touch.

"what exactly do you want me to do to you, smoker?" m/n mumbled against his skin, kissing up to smoker's jawline. "i can do many things for you and to you, but it's what you want."

what did smoker want? he knew he wanted m/n in this moment, but how much did he want? he wanted m/n for longer than this moment, but he had a gut feeling that it wasn't going to happen.

m/n kissed smoker's chest, his eyes tilting up. "come on smoker," one hand flicking smoker's nipple. "what do you want?"

smoker ran his fingers through m/n's wet hair. sighing at the touch of having him close.

"touch me." he said.

"where?" he smirked, leaning back up, hovering slightly over smoker.


m/n laughed, but sighed, "i can touch as i please?" his hand groping smoker's ass as he pulled him closer. each feeling just how hard they were, "you might regret saying yes."

"yes." he said without hesitation, leaning closer.

m/n licked his lips. he was going to have fun.

he went back in for a kiss, their lips molding together. m/n licked smoker's lips, the white haired male parted his lips. his neck went up in a slight angle when one of m/n's hands grabbed his hair and pulled it a bit.

m/n's tongue entered smoker's mouth, smoker pulled back slightly when m/n's tongue touched smoker's. a light gasp left smoker's mouth before he leaned more into m/n. m/n began to explore smoker's mouth, his fingers running through smoker's hair.

smoker had his arms around m/n's neck, his hands on m/n's shoulders as he gripped onto them, pulling him closer. m/n hummed into smoker's mouth, his tongue skimming over the marines teeth before going deeper into his mouth.

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