buggy one shot:

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buggy (???) x chronically ! insane ! male (24)
warnings: schizophrenia, self harm, maniacal laughter, blood, death/suicide
⚠️EXTRA WARNING: this will be very graphic and possibly very triggering, please skip if any of those things make you uneasy⚠️

i've had this one shot in my drafts for awhile and haven't been able to post it due to all the requests, so i've decided to post it on a random day instead of my usual every other tuesday. enjoy!

m/n was locked in a white prison cell. foam walls littered every corner, his body and arms wrapped in a straight jacket as he could only laugh daily and nightly.

his lips were always curved up, wide and enlarged as they never closed. each possible second there was a simple laugh leaving his lips before it would grow louder.

the poor doctors were deathly afraid to get near him, even with his ankles chained and his arms tied up.

"my dear m/n, i've always loved your laugh. promise me you won't let anything happen to your laugh?"

m/n's eyes wide, that small memory he thinks about daily at the same time every day would make his mouth part even more. he looked as if he was popping his jaw out and unhinging it just so his laughter would reach every doctor and every patient.

just so his laughter could reach every inch of the world.

he walked around his cell, every now and then his head banging on the foam wall. he felt nothing but a soft cushion, his laughter died down a bit. every hour this was an occurrence, he was always disappointed when he couldn't hurt himself from the walls he grew to love and stare at constantly.

"patient 1307, your dinner is here, please cautiously step forward." a doctor -with two police officers escorting her- said.

sure, m/n's entire upper body was twisted and turned, gnawed together in an uncomfortable position. and sure, his ankles were belted with chains so he couldn't run fast or far...

... but that didn't mean they were safe. he could get out.

"i always found magic to be so stupid compared to clowns. they're so much cooler!"

m/n had giggled when looking at his boyfriend, "yeah? just for that i'm going to learn every last trick to piss you off." he squeezed the big round nose, "i wish your nose honked, buggy."

"what'd you say about my nose?! don't think i won't kill you-"

m/n pouted, his frown turning into a light smile. "i'm sure you can kill me."

m/n has escaped his straight jacket before, not that it did much. he would trip over the chains, the white furniture that camouflage's into the white floor so there's more obstacles.

once a week they change the layout of his room when it's shower time. they didn't want him getting used to it.

these people didn't help him, they treated him far worse than a prisoner. m/n was a major threat to them and to himself, but m/n couldn't see it.

"food?" m/n began to giggle, "did my clown of a boyfriend make it? i'll only it eat if he makes it."

the officers looked at each other, eyebrows raised. this was their first shift on watching over the doctor, so far m/n seemed harmless.

the doctor gulped, she always brings m/n food but no matter her answer it's always scary.

if she says no, m/n will run until he trips over something, then bang his head and face on it over and over again until his bleeding, sobbing and choking on both because he can't wipe his face or eyes.

one piece x male reader one shots Where stories live. Discover now