heat and wire request:

799 15 21

top heat x bottom ! male x top wire
warnings: bondage, choking, blood, rough and daddy kink
requested: @2ndCrimsonRose

m/n didn't know how he ended up in this situation. two strong and rough looking males going rough on him.

heat's blue hair tied up in a ponytail so it wasn't in the way. his gray like skin flushed with each passing second of the passion split between the three of them. his bony structures seemed soft and smooth against m/n's neck and cheek.

wire's bulky and tall build holding m/n from the front. his short black hair stuck to his features as they were sweating. both top's eyes gazing over m/n like he was prey.

m/n closed his lidded eyes and thought back to their morning and afternoon. his mind piecing the puzzles together on how he ended up like this.

it started when m/n woke up to knocking on his door. the h/c haired male had groaned, facing away from his door and to the small window. the sun peeking through, filtering over his eyes as he groaned once more. he used his pillow to cover his face, trying to go back to sleep.

his door bursted open, but m/n was back to sleep. the male could sleep easily, it wasn't hard for him to do so.

wire walked in m/n's room, looking at his lovely boyfriend covering himself with his sheets and pillow. wire snickered, a smirk curling over his features as he walked to the bed.

he yanked m/n up, the male squeaked and snapped his eyes open. he gasped as the cool air hit his body that was no longer in the comfort of his own bed. he looked to see wire, pouting a bit as he wrapped his arms around wire's neck.

wire put him down, "get ready and come to breakfast." wire kissed his head and left.

m/n grumbled, but got ready anyways. his moves sluggish and tired. how dare wire wake him up like a rag doll, how cruel of him.

m/n dressed in black casual pants, they were loose and fitted around his waist and ankles. he wore an open f/c vest, his chest and torso exposed. he then slipped on a pair of black boots with a slight heel before walking to the dining room with everyone else.

he sat next to wire just as usual, and as usual, he was in between him and heat. but that didn't matter to him, he just ate like usual. wire's hand around his waist like usual, keeping him firm to his side. wire filled m/n's plate with all his favorite breakfast foods as his boyfriend happily ate and slowly began to wake up.

m/n was startled, slightly jumping back into wire's arm as he glanced down. heat's hand was on his thigh, his thumb stroking it as he could feel the warmth through his pants. he shivered a bit, glancing at wire.

wire had looked down at him with a raised eyebrow, he felt m/n jump back. he noticed the way heat's hand was on m/n's plush and lovely thigh. wire smirked, looking back at his food and continuing to eat.

m/n was a bit shocked at that, he'd expected wire to snap and do something. m/n cleared his throat, shifting closer to wire, heat's hand following his every movement. he decided to focus on eating and ask wire about it later.

m/n didn't get later.

each time he was with wire throughout the day, heat was there. m/n's body would be pressed against wire's body in a hug or just to latch onto him. he could feel the warmth of heat's hand hovering over his body. the light furnace of his hands glowing a bit, at least in m/n's eyes because it felt like the after math of when heat breathe's out fire.

wire would always look when that happens, throughout the day it seemed m/n had gotten used to it. wire and heat smirked at each other through that.

heat would be next to wire, his body turned ever so slightly to face m/n always. wire's hand would go up and down on his back, the warmth from wire's hand was more comforting because it was a gentle touch. heat's warm hand was due to his body radiating from the fire breathe heat could do. yet, both soon began to feel welcoming and for some reason, m/n liked it.

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