zoro one shot pt: 2

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zoro (21) x top ! boyfriend ! reader (21)
warnings: blood, injury, riding, unprotected
requested by: @ThenameisKento

m/n and his crew were just leisurely coasting in the ocean. he sat on the crescent moon figure at the front of his ship, hand on his thigh and chin in his palm.

despite the crescent moon being pointy, there was a flat surface behind it so he could sit on. so he was above the crescent moon while looking like he was balancing on the point of the moon.

he loved it.

the breeze was nice and gentle, despite the prior day being a huge storm that could've knocked their ship over. that was a long night and day, his entire crew was exhausted from it. they were all sluggishly laying sprawled out on the deck, sunbathing or actually sleeping. m/n was on high alert just in case, he wanted to be prepared.

he didn't use his devil fruit, it helps people fall asleep and wake up, but it's not meant to make someone feel rested. it was meant to knock someone out. so his devil fruit wouldn't help anyone in this moment.

this wouldn't be the first time he's stayed up without sleep, even if that does effect his devil fruit usage. it's not as strong if he's just as exhausted as everyone else. it's like a drawl back, without it being a drawl back. his devil fruit also effects his sleeping, he needs to sleep a bit more than usual, so when he doesn't it's never really good.

but he didn't think they could get into any type of trouble on this fine day. his crew was strong in their own ways, whether it was weapons, their own devil fruit, intelligence or just brute strength, they could hold their own. so could m/n, he wasn't the strongest pirate, but he was the strongest on his crew.

that had to amount for something.

m/n's eyes drooped a bit, the calming waves gently hitting the sides of his ship. rocking all of the crew into a peaceful sleep, but m/n couldn't. he shook his head and stood up.

he stretched his limbs, yawning and groaning right after. his back popped and that felt really good, he did a few twists and turns to wake himself and his limbs up. he looked out, tilting his head to the side as he saw a pirate ship heading their way.

he raised an eyebrow but shrugged it off, too tired to actually think things through. he jumped off his figure head, still seeing the ship a bit of ways away, almost like a hallucination from his exhaustion. he really should take a nap, but decided he'd rest when they stop on an island.

he saw his fit mate, ali, sprawled out on the deck. legs and arms out, stomach on the deck and head pressed into the wood.

m/n rolled his eyes, lightly nudging his side. "ali." he said, no movement so he kicked ali's head, the crew mate yelped and jumped up. "good, you're awake. look out, see if they're a problem, it's hard to tell through my fatigue." he kept it simple and straight to the point.

ali sat up, rubbing his throbbing head. "stupid cap. how dare you?" he grumbled as he got up and walked to the figure head and got on it to look over. "stupid. stupid. stupid." he kept muttering.

m/n rolled his eyes, crossing his arms and waiting patiently. ali's nose twitched before he jumped down and walked back to m/n.

"well?" m/n asked.

"it's the buggy pirates. we should get ready to fight." ali said.

m/n raised a brow, "but... they're so weak, we shouldn't have to prepare." he pointed out, to make it worse he sounded genuine and not cocky. he wasn't in over his head, he knew the strength of the buggy crew, zoro told him.

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