law request:

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law (26) x shorter ! ferret ! personality ! male (26)
warnings: none
requested: @KenjiKazumi


ferrets are very playful, they're an energetic animal that loves to have fun. they're curious and love exploring the unknown. especially their surroundings. ferrets are social animals that thrive in interaction with humans and other ferrets. they are capable of being independent and so enjoy their alone time every now and then. and the main thing... ferrets may sometimes show aggression and dominance towards other ferrets or humans.

m/n's personality was like a ferret. people can ask 'what type of spirit animal are you?' to m/n, but the answer will always be ferret. it's the only animal people can think of when thinking of m/n.

law was described as a doberman. dobermans are intelligent, loyal and obedient. they're watchful, determined, alert, fearless and energetic around the right people. they're affectionate and sweet (law is very affectionate and sweet behind closed doors). dobermans can be aggressive especially to strangers. (especially when strangers hit on m/n). they're a bit pushy, destructive and can be shy, and they bond with one person.

most people didn't understand how law and m/n were dating. they were opposites.

law was quiet, studying and observing everyone that walked by. he looked scary and always had a deadpanned on his face. when he did attempt to talk to someone he was somewhat socially awkward and easily got annoyed easily. during social settings he slightly hid behind m/n (but always seen since m/n is 5'2).

yet, he was never annoyed with m/n. who was the complete opposite of law.

m/n was an energetic bunch. a complete ball of sunshine that lit up the room with a radiating smile or his playfulness and friendless attitude. everywhere m/n went he was curious and went to explore (most days law has to find m/n and drag him by the collar of his shirt).

m/n could easily switch between being energetic to a bit of aggression. only when it comes to someone making moves on law. m/n gets a little look in his e/c eyes, he tries to stay calm but they never get the hint because m/n is just so friendly, so he gets a bit aggressive and defensive over law and a few of his close friends.

the only thing they have in common -personality wise- is their independence and solitary behaviors. law and m/n enjoy having time alone apart or together, it's okay to not always spend time with your significant other. so during their times alone they're rather independent and do whatever the hell they want.

then they talk about what the did together. m/n speaking a bit more than law, but that's the usual. law loved to listen, always smiling.

no one got why they loved each other, but they do. that's all that matters to them.

right now they were at a celebration. did m/n know why? not a damn clue, it had to do with something about luffy being some hero to wano but not being a hero at the same time. law knew, but didn't fell like telling m/n... too much work.

law was behind m/n, his muscular arms around his waist. he bent down a bit to rest his chin on m/n's head, having his chest pressed to his boyfriend's back. m/n just happily had his arms over law's arms.

m/n was talking to killer, which irritated law. not because he was jealous -only a little bit- but because killer is first mates of kid. kid irritates law like no other person.

"c'mon m/n, can we go now?" law muttered in his ear, kissing his cheek.

m/n tilted his head up, eyes wide and doe-like. he looked rather confused, law seemed to be only slightly enjoying himself. that was more than usual.

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