whitebeard request:

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whitebeard (5-72) x taller ! stronger ! older ! male (7-77)
☁️💔 (slight)
warnings: none
requested by: @ryguy37737272

whitebeard and havoc have known each other since they were kids. at that time they were called edward newgate and m/n l/n.

m/n was always a boy who had too much energy and would cause mischief around the town. the day he meet edward m/n himself had just blown up a water pipe in a bar and was trying to run.

edward had come out of nowhere and they collided into each other. at first, m/n had yelled at him to watch where he was going, but then apologized when he realized he was yelling.

he'd been trying to control his mouth and volume of voice. that's why he usually plays pranks or just blowing up stuff.

edward blinked as m/n got up and began running again. the blond haired male himself got up and then watched people chasing him. edward smiled, there was something in m/n that was compelling.

edward always wanted a simple family, people he could trust and take care of. people he could love. and for some odd reason he felt like m/n could help with that.

but yet, he knows nothing about him. not his name, where he lives, who he is, why he does what he does... nothing, but he intended to find out.

days had gone by and edward hadn't come across that male again. he frowned, not wanting to give up as he needed to see him again. at least to learn his name and speak to him.

edward didn't even get to speak to him before m/n got up and started running again.

edward kicked a pebble, hitting a large tree. he continued to walk, grumbling to himself that he didn't get to see the boy yet.

he leaned against the tree, feeling as if he was being watched. he shivered a bit and looked around, but saw no one. it was starting to feel creepy, edward nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard a voice.

"hey i know you. you almost got me in trouble!"

a voice came from above, edward slowly tilted his head up. seeing the male who ran into him sitting on a tree branch. his s/c glowed from the sun, his e/c eyes bright and mischievous and his h/c hair was flowing through the gentle breeze.

m/n flipped himself, now hanging from the tree. their noses almost touching as m/n was upside down and looking at him intently. he licked his slightly chapped lips as the wind dried them out.

both studying each other's looks, trying to get a good look at each other.

"well? what do you have to say for yourself?" m/n asked.

"that your blind." edward said, "you ran into me."

"you popped outta nowhere, blondie!" m/n flipped, landing on his feet and tilting his head to edward. both were freakishly tall for children, but m/n was taller. "who paid you to distract me?"

"no one."

"really? then how come you've been looking for me?" m/n asked curiosity, narrowing his eyes at edward.

he didn't care for names of who he was, he cared why this person was trying to sabotage him. why couldn't he blow things up in peace? why couldn't he reek havoc across the town that turned their backs on him as his parents were killed by pirates?

it's not like he actually hurts anyone. so why couldn't he do these things? why send a child to stop him? are they trying to get a kid to get close to m/n since they're around the same age? maybe if they think they have an inside man, they'll finally be able to stop m/n or be two steps ahead of him.

one piece x male reader one shots Where stories live. Discover now