luffy & zoro request:

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top ! luffy (19) ! x bottom ! male (19) ! x top ! zoro (21)
warnings: threesome, cock sucking, hand job, overstimulation, throat fucking with fingers/cock, no preparation
requested by: @ItadoriYujii0

luffy and zoro sat next to each other, staring with a bit of jealousy and envy at their cook. luffy's straw hat bristled through the wind on their ship, zoro tapped each of his swords over and over again.

they couldn't help this feeling. there m/n was -their long time crush- dating sanji.

they kept their eyes on the two, their hearts swelling with jealousy each second passing. sanji pulled m/n slightly closer, their smiles matching as he kissed the side of m/n's head. the h/c haired male flushed, hugging sanji and burying in his shoulder.

then, the two walked away into the kitchen. m/n usually sat on the counter as sanji cooked their snacks or meals. he would only jump off to help or to wrap his arms around his waist.

they loved each other very much, zoro and luffy were jealous.

the captain looked at his vice, eyes completely serious. his mouth wasn't even in a smile. the two had talked multiple times about m/n, their bond growing strong from their shared love of m/n.

zoro nodded, getting the hint from luffy.

their love grew stronger each day, their crush being unrequited was a feeling they hated. luffy's eyes said he couldn't hold it back anymore, zoro was on the exact same page as luffy. they needed m/n. they needed him so bad.

they were tired of just talking about him, tired of just imaging what he was like in a relationship/in bed. they couldn't just immediately take m/n, it would be wrong. so, they would talk to sanji.

even if zoro didn't want to, but he was loyal and so is m/n. (and luffy, it was his idea to talk to sanji a few nights ago when they were talking).

m/n left the kitchen, holding a tray of a few drinks. he walked towards franky, handing him a drink, brook was next for getting a drink before heading towards luffy and zoro. sanji went to the usopp, nami, robin, jinbe and chopper.

m/n had a smile on his face, waving towards luffy and zoro the closer he got.

"hey guys!" m/n excitedly said, handing luffy his drink first.

luffy clasped his hand over m/n's when getting the drink, warmth filled the straw hat captain. m/n didn't think anything of it as he gave zoro his drink as well. zoro did the same thing luffy did, his heart skipping a beat.

m/n sat in front of them, getting his drink and sipping on it. m/n had no idea the affect he had on the two. he obliviously drank his drink, talking to the two who kept their normal exterior.

zoro calm and collected, sometimes teasing m/n making him blush with embarrassment. zoro mainly teased m/n about his little relationship with sanji, even if it did hurt on the inside.

luffy bubbly and loud as always. he didn't hesitate to spill his thoughts, so sometimes m/n was embarrassed as well or other times he would snicker, finding everything amusing.

he was rather closer to zoro and luffy, but sanji was his number one.

sanji walked towards them, sitting down next to m/n. he pushed some of the h/c strands that fell in front of his face. m/n grinned at sanji, leaning his head on the blond's shoulder.

sanji glanced at zoro and luffy when m/n wasn't looking. he saw the way zoro and luffy slightly glared at his shoulder that held m/n, but when looking at either of the two the glare was gone.

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