king request:

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king (17-25) x lunarian ! shy ! top ! male (18-26)
warnings: smut
requested by: @PunikaKhomonnaknet

⚠️king's past spoilers he will not meet kaido⚠️

king's white hair was frizzled and unkept. his fingers curling into the restraints on his wrist as he tried to break free. his ankles also clamped to the tilted metal table as he watched the scientists.

pure hatred in his silver gaze, he could only glare and shout at them.

he wouldn't make it easy for them to experiment on him, he'd move and yell any chance he got. he'd try and bite them every time they grew closer to him.

which only lead to the scientist to smirk and tightened his restraints. sometimes they even made him bleed, but through his hatred and adrenaline, king couldn't feel it.

what king didn't know was that he wasn't the only one going through this.

it was another lunarian, king thought he was the only one left. he still does, but soon he'd realize he wasn't the only one.

m/n wasn't your typical lunarian. he did have their dark skin tone, that much was true. his white hair had streaks of h/c as it was a birth defect. m/n's hair wasn't as long as king's, he much rather have it short as it gave less for the scientist to grab and yank him for experiments.

m/n was quite muscular and day by day he was growing stronger. he had to bid his time and eventually break out. he just needed the perfect opportunity and the courage in himself to do so.

after his experiments he felt weak and tired, like they knew he was plotting and did everything they could to take his energy. he was practically more of a lab rat than king sorely because he looked slightly different and he had different strengths than king.

m/n never struggled when he was strapped, he found that would hurt him more. he much rather not bleed through his wrists and ankles, nor would he want to accidentally kill himself in this god forsaken lab.

he'll kill all these scientists, and he would watch the lab burn down with a satisfying smile and bright glint in his eyes. that he knew was their future, his time was coming soon. he could feel it.

king still struggled, he was kept on the table with bleary eyes and depleted energy. he's never even left the room, but he still had some fight left in him. no matter how weak he felt or how much everything was slightly blurry.

he'd get fed every now and then, but other than that, he was just an experiment.

"i'll kill you all!" king shouted, "just you wait, you'll wish you've never taken me!"

his voice echoed through that room, causing all of the scientists to laugh and not take his word. they continued about their day and serums. jotting everything down as if it were a school assignment due that very same day.

m/n's ear twitched, he could've sworn he heard someone shout they would kill the scientists. it may have just been his imagination as he was a bit delirious from the experiments.

but that was a sign, it was m/n sign to break free and get out of there. he had to trust his judgment and strength. he had to trust himself, he knew he could do it.

he'll break out, he already has a plan.

his e/c eyes were calculated as he watched the usual scientist walk towards him. flicking a syringe just as usual, he knew the times of certain experiments.

this one would go in his neck....

.... well supposed to go into his neck.

m/n quickly turned his head, biting the syringe out of the scientists hold. he quickly flipped it by using his tongue, slamming his forehead as the needle went into the scientists neck. he then head butted them and they stumbled backwards.

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