killer request:

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top killer x bottom ! male
warnings: sexual content
requested: @Lil_Rowen

killer watched as m/n danced with the other kid pirates. a soft smile gracing his features beneath his mask as he watched his boyfriend.

m/n's movements were as graceful as a drunken pirate who was a light weight. (he was just being himself). m/n wasn't even drunk, but he couldn't dance.

his eyes ghosting over his body. killer bit his bottom lip at seeing m/n's body move. oh, his boyfriend was so good looking. he loved claiming m/n in more ways than one.

killer stopped watching and walked towards m/n. dodging some of the kid pirates who were actually drunk and could barely step without stumbling forward.

he even had to shove wire off of him a bit because he fell on top of killer. the blond had chuckled but continued to walk towards m/n.

once in arm's length, he grabbed m/n's waist and spun him into his chest. his hands gliding over his body as he swayed their bodies together.

"killer." m/n hummed, titling his head up.

his eyes held a warm look, showing just how much he enjoyed having killer so close. how his hands roamed his body as they made a gentle dance together.

"m/n." killer responded, pulling him closer.

"you're not a dancer." m/n pointed out, his hands going up killer's chest and wrapping around his neck.

his fingers grazing his blond hair and skin.

"couldn't let you looking so good and have everyone else watch." killer said, "i want them knowing who's eyes should be on you."

"can't help it if i'm so good looking." m/n wiggled his eyebrows.

m/n could just feel the eye roll from killer, a light laugh leaving his lips. m/n got on his tippy toes, planting a small kiss to killer's mask, right over his forehead.

he couldn't wait until they were alone and m/n can kiss his face all over. it was his favorite pass time, it filled m/n with joy and content.

he loved spending time with killer. he never wanted to part with him. m/n wouldn't know what to do it killer and him parted, or if killer found someone else.

which is unlikely, m/n would kill anyone who threatened to take killer away from him.

the crew found it funny and ironic. killer's name is literally killer and he's the more gentle soul out of the two. even though killer will still do half of it because he is a pirate, m/n tends to finish the jobs. m/n acted more gentle but he's completely insane when it comes to killer.

and even then, killer still finds him hot and lovable.

both are head over heels for the other. completely looking over everything and defending one another. even if the other was wrong, but they'd correct in private.

killer and m/n continued to dance, their arms wrapped around each other and the world faded behind them. it was just them, no one else seemed to matter or affect the way they moved. even with some of the crew members looking at them and seeing the way they danced together...

it didn't matter.

it didn't matter how clumsy they were, it didn't matter how killer would trip or accidentally step on m/n's feet, nor did it matter that m/n would tease him. all that mattered was how close they were and how their feelings showed through their time.

it was just killer and m/n.

the night sea began to lightly hit their ship, rocking them a bit. m/n softly laughed as he put his head on killer's shoulder, tightening his hold on him and sighing out. killer had his hands pressed to m/n's back, pulling him closer and having his fingers curl into m/n's shirt.

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