penguin bday special:

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penguin (27) x male (26)
warnings: none
modern au

penguin came home, sighing as he unlocked his front door. he had a long day at work and he wanted nothing more than to flop on his couch and binge random shows in nothing but his sweats and trusty hat. cuddled up with his long term boyfriend.

a smile graced his lips just thinking about his boyfriend.

he walked in his home, closing the door and locking it behind him.

"i'm home!" he shouted.

instead of the usual response where he got tackled into a hug, a nice little kiss to his cheek and lips and an eager 'i've been waiting for you!' he heard a long line of curse words.

penguin's eyes furrowed, he ran his fingers through his hair. he may have been exhausted, but now he was more than curious as to why his boyfriend didn't greet him like usual. he was eager for it, not that he would admit it.

he flinched when he heard a loud crash from the kitchen and a string of curse words following after. that voice belonged to his boyfriend, and he was amused by the creativity in the cussing.

he quickly made it to the kitchen, where he thought the sounds came from. faking a concern to hide his amusement.

he looked around the kitchen to see different cooking wear on the ground and counters, splotches of flour thrown across the kitchen. and much more, it was very messy.

"m/n?" penguin asked.

the said male jumped, snapping his head to him. he rubbed his neck right after that, wincing from how fast he looked over.

then he pointed towards penguin, "out of the kitchen!" he snapped, "you're not supposed to see a damn thing!"

penguin lifted his hands up in defense, chuckling as he slowly backed away. his head staying on the mess until he couldn't see in the kitchen anymore. he didn't question m/n, didn't raise a brow, he wasn't even confused.

this was like a weekly thing, he was no longer fazed by it.

m/n crossed his arms and pouted, thinking the surprise would be ruined. but he shook his head, penguin had no idea what m/n was doing. it just seemed like a normal hour between the two.

penguin decided to take a shower, sighing as the hot water hit his skin. he wished m/n was in the shower with him, even if it was just some quality time together. he always loved when he washed m/n's hair, kissing his neck as his soapy hands touched the younger male.

he shook his head, if he continued to think about what he wanted to do, he would never leave the shower. he just wanted m/n to cuddle up to him and hold each other for the entire night.

penguin got out of the shower, drying his body and wrapping a towel around his waist. grabbing another one as he began to dry his hair and walk out of the bathroom.

he rummaged through the closet to find comfortable clothing, slipping on some sweats but staying shirtless.

"can i come into the kitchen now?" he yelled out, once close enough to the area.


"damn it m/n i want my fucking kiss!" penguin shouted back, pouting at the lack of attention.

all he heard was a giggle.

he smiled at the sound, going to the living room and turning on the tv. he sunk into the couch, relaxing into the cushion as he scrolled through the channels.

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