ace request:

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ace (18) x ! male (18) !
warnings: a bit of public lemon
requested by: @UrArsonist

m/n stretched his arms and back. he groaned, and looked at his crush. ace rolled his eyes at the male.

"m/n, the ship is huge." he snickered, adjusting his orange hat. "how in the hell do you have stiff limbs?"

m/n pointed at ace, giving finger guns. "for dramatic affect."

ace rolled his eyes.

he grabbed m/n's hand, tugging him to follow. the s/c skinned male blushed. he was very flustered from the little act of ace. he hoped it meant something to him as much as it did to m/n.

"uh, ace, are you planning to kill me in this forest? i thought we were close."

ace rolled his eyes, he stopped pulling m/n along with him. this caused the male to stumble and hit his back. both groaned slightly at the impact.

"m/n, seriously?" he chuckled, looking back. his smile just as wide as ever. "i just wanted to spend time with you, away from everyone else."

they walked around the forest, their hands still linked. m/n felt their hands heating up. he wondered if it was from ace's devil fruit or just because his crush was very attractive and had a tight hold on m/n.

m/n began to swing their hands back and forth. enjoying the content laugh that bubbled out of ace's mouth. it was such a childish sound, ace enjoyed being close to m/n. he always enjoyed when m/n swung their hands back and forth when he linked them.

but, he wondered if m/n liked him back. ace was always the one to initiate something. but once he did, m/n would engage and do something. so, it made ace's heart swell. but only for a moment.

it somewhat hurt that m/n never initiated things.

ace gasped, "m/n look!" he pointed forward.

he turned his head, his eyes shining. m/n stared into the eyes, he couldn't take his eyes off of ace. ace's cheeks flushed a bit.

he punched m/n's chest, the male wheezed. his hand squeezing ace's hand, his other hand over his chest. ace pointed towards the front again.

"look." he pouted, "i want you to see something pretty."

"already did." he mumbled.

but he looked in front of him. his mouth dropped slightly at the look, it was very pretty. it was a pretty blue lake in the middle of the forest. rocks littered next to it.

they walked closer to the lake, looking at their reflections. the water was clear, and they both closed into the lake water.

"want to take a swim?" m/n asked. "it looks to be thigh deep."

ace shoved m/n in, he stumbled in. he landed in the water face first, he got up, gasping for air. his entire clothes were soaked, his h/c hair sticking to his face and neck.

"ace!" he whined. "how cruel!"

ace cackled, seeing that the water was thigh deep. he fell back on the grass, clutching his stomach as it began to hurt from him laughing.

"i... i just... had to make sure it was... thigh deep." he said in between laughs.

m/n sighed a bit, smiling at the laughing male. he walked towards the edge, grabbing ace's boots before throwing him into the lake with him.

ace sat up, the water going right at his pecs. his hair also sticking to his face.

"well deserved." he said.

one piece x male reader one shots Where stories live. Discover now