katakuri request:

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insecure katakuri (10-48) x dragon ! shifter ! male (8-46)
warnings: none
requested by: @jinwusung

⚠️these are proof read but i was in a rush as it is very late tonight and i didn't mean to post these that late so please correct if you see any mistakes⚠️

m/n can shift into a dragon, the scales are a beautiful f/c color that seem to glisten and shine in the sun. m/n always enjoyed when being in his dragon state, he's been able to do that since he was a kid.

he first met katakuri when they were both kids, m/n only being slightly younger than him and very short compared to the big mom pirate's son. at first, m/n didn't pay him any mind.

slightly fearful of him because he just looked scary. the teeth didn't matter to m/n, for fuck sakes he can turn into a dragon. his teeth are basically the same as katakuri's when he's in his dragon form.

what scared m/n was how high the boy held himself. the way he walked with such poise and power, showing he could take anyone down. the fighting skills he has every time he kicked an older person's ass. the way katakuri showed off his muscle at such a young age also didn't help.

m/n was quite chicken in some aspects. like when it came to be confronted or starting the conversation first... oh and eye contact.

he's made eye contact with katakuri quite a few times, each time he's looked away out of panic and not fear. but the boy took it as he couldn't stand the sight of him because of his mouth, especially when m/n and him made eye contact and he was eating a donut out in the open.

every one would either be disgusted, weirded out or freaked out from the way his mouth moved and his teeth. but katakuri didn't care, he never did and he never will.

yet, katakuri still held himself high. who cares if his mouth was showing, nothing would ever force him to cover his mouth. he would take pride in his looks, his strength, his family. katakuri would stay prideful.

but it soon quickly vanished when he saw his younger sister brulee laying down and all bloodied. anger coursed through katakuri's veins, he clenched his fist and did his best not to snarl. not wanting to add anything negative on brulee's thoughts or pain.

"who did this?" katakuri managed to get out through his anger.

brulee looked at her brother, tears and blood streaming down her face. "big brother..." she whined a bit, "i-it was those guys from the other day."

and katakuri knew. he beat up a bunch of adults the other day when he found them picking on his younger sister. they must've gotten their revenge when he wasn't around. katakuri turned to go find them, but brulee grabbed his wrist.

"t-there was thing... dragon who tried to save me, but they hurt him too. i don't know where he went, and i'm scared for him."

katakuri patted her hand with his free one. he gave her a confident and reassuring smile. "everything will be okay." he stated softly, nodding his head as she let him go.

katakuri began his journey on finding those guys. he'd hurt them first before finding the guy who helped his sister. who knew how badly her injuries could've been if the dragon wasn't there.

katakuri found the guys and the dragon. a moment of surprise taking over his features when seeing the f/c dragon wrapped around one of the adult's and biting onto his shoulder.

"how dare you hurt a little girl?!" the dragon's voice was muffled, but katakuri could hear the anger and disbelief in the features.

he got out of his shock when a few of the other guys began to hit the dragon, weakening him. the guy threw him off, the dragon hit the wall and wince. turning into a boy just a bit younger than katakuri himself.

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