mihawk request:

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top mihawk (42) x bottom ! male (42)
warnings: unprotected, master kink (mihawk), pet kink (m/n), rough
requested: @2ndCrimsonRose

⚠️this is before timeskip and the separation⚠️

NOTE: it seems my photos aren't saving or loading at all when i put them above the chapter... so i apologize if you don't see a photo, i've reposted them multiple times already

m/n and mihawk had been dating for quite some time, m/n lived with mihawk in the foggy island and in the spacious castle.

m/n wasn't a pirate nor a marine, he was just... simple. except when it comes to mihawk, that's when things get more complicated and just... more.

right now, m/n was sitting in one of the living room's alone. he sat in the giant velvet feeling chair near a fire. he was laying across the arm rest and began reading.

mihawk wasn't in the castle, he was called for an assignment as he was a warlord.

m/n was quite bored on his own, he's read so many books already. he even cleaned the castle... TWICE! all the rooms they don't even go in were also clean.

"so bored..." he mumbled to himself.

he closed his book and looked at the fire. the soft orange glow outlined his face, his eye twitched as a thought entered his mind.

what if i just stick my hand through the fire?

he shook his head no, he wasn't that bored. he rolled out of the velvet chair, throwing his hands over his head and stretching. he decided he'd take a walk around the island.

he always enjoyed the peace and quiet that littered the island. the fog was comforting in a weird way, he enjoyed the soft darkness during the day and the midnight black during the night.

despite m/n not really doing something big like being a pirate or a marine, he was fairly strong and could defend himself. so he didn't have to worry about the gorillas thinking they could attack him.

not only that, the gorilla's were scared of mihawk, so they were scared of m/n by association. the gorillas made that mistake when m/n first began to live with mihawk on the island, the warlord was not happy. they didn't get to even hurt m/n because he could defend himself, but mihawk took over when he noticed they began to try and hurt m/n.

so, now m/n can leave the castle whenever he wants and be fine. it was a great time killer until mihawk is able to get home.

each tree he passed his fingers skimmed the bark, sometimes they brushed against the soft leaves or the crunchy leaves. he stepped onto some thick roots or other rocks. he just enjoyed the nature.

it was such a serene atmosphere.

his ears twitched when he heard the gorillas began to back away, some even whimpering. they never really had that reaction with m/n, they only stared wearily. so, m/n knew.

his beloved dracule mihawk is home!

m/n grinned, turning around and walking towards the castle once more. knowing soon he'll be able to see mihawk once more and be in his arms.

a light skip and bounce in his step, his features brightened a bit. the foggy glow have his structure a silver like tone.

m/n didn't have to walk very far before a muscular and tall body dropped on him. m/n stumbled, almost hitting the ground if not for mihawk's arms around his waist and keeping him upright.

"dracule." m/n laughed a bit, shaking his head and sighing right after.

he titled his head up and looked at mihawk. his hair falling behind him and showing his forehead. mihawk smirked down at him, leaning his body down to plant a gentle kiss to his forehead.

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