smoker request:

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smoker x dom ! male
warnings: finger fucking
requested by: @zebrazoe123456


m/n was on smoker's marine ship. him and smoker didn't really talk all that much unless smoker gave m/n orders and m/n reported back.

right now, he was rather bored. he followed smoker to the ocean as the marine wanted to find the straw hats. m/n always had a small crush on smoker, but the more time he spent on the ocean with smoker and the other marines, the more it grew.

he was now traveling with smoker on a good sized ship for how many marines they have, so m/n sees smoker more.

his meals are sat at the same table as smoker and tashigi. smoker said he rather have m/n there since m/n is the only marine to actually get everything he needs done.

m/n was a marine who didn't fail, but that's because m/n used his brain and strength to complete his missions. and m/n hates failing, so he doesn't do that. he won't stop until he's won or he's completed everything.

so, smoker was intrigued. he wanted to know m/n more and see how his mind works. or just to see his strength.

but m/n was a quiet and reserved person. only time smoker got a clue on how m/n fights or uses battle strategy it was when he gave his reports.

so, smoker assumed m/n was only around for business and not friends.

which was absolutely incorrectly wrong.

m/n was just too damn nervous around smoker, his heart rate increased and his palms grew sweaty. he really liked smoker, so he kept a blank facade.

and when he was alone, he would gush and breathe out. every time he faced away from smoker and allowed himself to finally release the crush he was holding, he blushed when far enough away.

m/n wasn't a complete chatter box, but he wasn't as quiet and reserved as smoker thought.

so when smoker began to notice how m/n talk to other marines every now and then and not about business, smoker wanted to know more. he wanted to know why m/n could barely talk to him and tashigi.

once more, smoker was also wrong.

he ended up seeing m/n and tashigi briefly talking, and when he walked by m/n grew a bit quieter but he didn't stop talking to tashigi.

so now smoker wanted to get m/n to talk to him. he didn't know why he didn't like it, he didn't know why he was feeling a bit pissed that m/n could talk to everyone but him.

was he unapproachable? was he too rude to m/n? did he give off the vibe that he only wanted to speak to m/n if it was work related?

m/n was a damn good marine, and smoker wanted to let m/n know that. but if they didn't really speak, m/n would only think it was work related.

at least that's what smoker thinks.

m/n would die on the inside if he got a compliment from smoker. he'd probably not be able to control his blush or heart and smoker would know automatically that m/n has a crush on him. and that just wouldn't do.

m/n soon rather die than admit he has a crush on his admiral. that's embarrassing.

because he knows for a fact that smoker does not like him. he's always spending his time with tashigi. which always left a bitter taste in m/n's mouth, he knew it just wasn't because she worked directly under smoker. it was clear that something was going on.

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