luffy request:

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top luffy (19) x sub ! male (19)
warnings: hand job
requested by: @imasucker4u208

⚠️slight spoilers or asl past, slight marine ford, slight sabaody⚠️

luffy had known m/n his entire life, but he didn't exactly know him for the first few years. he just knew the male lived in the same village as him, m/n idolized shanks just as much as luffy, but m/n never got himself into trouble like luffy.

they were opposites and didn't really interact. more as, m/n never interacted with luffy. each time the loud male -who now had shanks' straw hat- would attempt to talk to m/n the quiet male would squeak and run off.

luffy would be confused, but then forget the interaction before going off to do something else. when luffy began to live up with the mountain bandits, becoming brothers with sabo and ace (very slowly), m/n would visit with makino. other than that, he rarely saw m/n and the male still barely spoke.

but when luffy's brotherhood of three came down to two, m/n came out of his shell slightly to comfort luffy. ace wasn't really much help as he was basically emotionally constipated as ace tried to lift luffy's spirits, but ended up making luffy cry more over it.

m/n had punched the back of ace's head because of that, which shocked both momentarily. m/n was quiet, they assumed he was weak and spineless, but ace actually almost cried from the punch. and m/n was about a year younger than luffy (only by months not a full year), so that also wounded ace's pride.

yet, ace never snapped at him, he looked to see m/n hugging luffy, the male had his straw hat over his face as he cried into m/n's shoulder. m/n had rubbed his hand up and down on luffy's back, whispering words that he was here and would help him through this for however long luffy wanted him.

m/n never said things would be okay, sometimes they aren't. so he just opted on holding luffy, and the future pirate was more than grateful. that was all he could ask for.

when the time came for luffy to leave and become a pirate, he looked at m/n, his eyes puppy like. over the years they grew closer and luffy grew quite clingy and he didn't want to leave m/n, but the male refused.

"no way in hell i'm becoming your first mate, luffy." m/n snickered, tilting his head to the side as the wind pushed his h/c strands away from his face. "i'll see you out on the sea in a few months with my own crew."

luffy sighed, but laughed. he grinned widely and pulled m/n into a bone crushing hug, jumping up and down as m/n squeaked and could barely breathe. m/n's legs were up and not touching the ground as his arms were at his side, he couldn't even wrap them around luffy.

he chuckled, smiling at luffy with red flushed cheeks. his heart beating rapidly a bit, it felt nice being in luffy's suffocating hold. he was sure going to miss it a lot, he knew that for sure.

"a-alright luffy-" m/n wheezed out, gasping for air when he was dropped.

"oh..." luffy laughed, closing his eyes and giving a wide smile, "oops."

m/n punched him, luffy went tumbling back and rolling a bit before getting up. clutching his head and whining as he pouted at m/n.

"you're so cruel to me, m/n." luffy whined.

"suck it up." m/n said.

luffy did, he got up and walked back to m/n. they were around the same height, so it was easy making eye contact. they did one final hug before luffy got on his small boat for an adventure.

m/n stayed at the edge of the grass cliff, waving the entire time until he could no longer see luffy. a smile on his face, who knew he'd actually ever be friends with luffy. let alone gain feelings for him, that he's still ignorantly unaware of.

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